15: Sogno

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Tonight I took Bella out since mom insisted that she felt too cooped up inside the house. Also, I need to check the place where my men notified me. Making sure cells don't cause trouble, I didn't leave home much. Bella looked rather happier to go out no matter where I took her.

We stood in the club near the bartender who works for me and provided me with very dirty information about the case. Bella stood beside me, glancing at the bartender confused.

"Eli, we are too young to have a drink," Bella whispered to me.

"We aren't here for drink trouble," I replied, which made her curious. I glance at the familiar man who nods at me.

"Well, sir, I heard there are a few men new here trying to find something," he whispered to me. Bella's eyes narrowed instantly, and she looked around and then focused back on me.

"What are they trying to find?" I asked.

I know what it is, but I need to confirm.

"I don't know that yet. I will inform you once I find out." He said and focused on his work.

I glanced at the corner of my eyes, and I found a man who had been keeping eyes on me and Bella since we entered here. I texted them alerting them. Bella sighed beside me, noticing them.

"We both know what they want," she whispered. I wrap my arm around her waist, a little too possessive.

"They will get one thing. Death," I replied coldly. Bella grinned and caressed my jaw like she owned me. Maybe she does.

"But I don't want them to hurt you, so you better get out of here soon," she said. I press a kiss on her palm.

"I am not leaving without you. Mom will be worried, "I remind her. She smiled softly.

"She did too much for me. I won't let anyone hurt you because it will hurt her more," she said.

You are too good, Bella. But I am very much selfish.

"We are getting out of here together. Trust me," I assured her.

She nodded reluctantly and tried to step away from me. I tighten my arm around her, causing her to pause. I don't have to ask to know what she is trying to do. But I won't let her put herself in danger. It didn't take much time for my men to enter. I smirked and focused back on Bella, who was busy playing with my fingers while keeping their eyes around. Let's just say her survival instincts are great, but that's worrying.

A man suddenly leaned beside me, glancing at us with a smile. A fake smile.

"Such a lovely couple," he said.

Bella focused on him but didn't reply. She looks lost in thought. I look at men blankly.

"Come on, boy, relax. Can't we just chat?" He asked with a laugh.

"I don't want to talk, so shut up," I replied boldly as I always do. His smile almost fell, but he gave me one more fake smile.

"I just want to have a drink," he said casually. I rolled my eyes.

"Then take it and get lost," I said and focused on Bella, who still isn't out of her trance yet.

"You look beautiful, young lady," he said to Bella, which snapped her out of her thoughts. I don't like these men. She gave him a fake smile.

"Thank you, sir. May I know your name?" she asked. He shook his head.

"We just met, and this guy is cold, so never mind," he shrugged. Bella didn't look happy at the answer but smiled anyway.

When the man was done, he glanced one last time at Bella and left. Bella rather became tense as she observed him. She placed her palm on my chest, still looking at the men.

"I need to go to the restroom," she said and left. I stood there dumbfounded as Bella touched me. I sighed. She doesn't like people touching her, so I guess it's a good sign. When I glanced back at her, I found her following the men out. It's bad. Damn it. I quickly try to rush behind her, but with the crowd, it becomes a little difficult. When I reached the place, I found both of them alone, facing each other. I paused and listened.

"Hello, my little soldier," the men said threateningly. I noticed a few men hiding in the shadows. Damn it, Bella.

"Do I know you?" She asked with no emotions in her tone.

"Come on, we had known each other for a long time, but you forgot me," he said with a chuckle.

Bella didn't recognize him at all and just looked at him blankly.

"How can you forget my touch? " He mocked her but Bella didn't show any emotion failing his plan. That's my strong girl. The men noticed it too and looked at her angrily.

"You speak too much, " Bella said rather bored.

"I am Davis Anderson, " He said. Bella didn't react at all for a while until she remembered something and stiffened up. Davis smirked and glanced at her amused.

Bella stepped forward only to step back again. Her breathing was heavier and then she fainted. I stood blankly. Bella. Ignoring the men surrounding us I walked forward causing Davis's attention to snap at me. He glared at me. I ignored him and took Bella in my arms.

"Stop and leave her here if you want to live, " He said. I glanced at him coldly.

"Pray that I never find you because if I do then you are going to stuff so bad that you will regret ever crossing me, " I ordered him. Davis laughed.

"Boy, who do you think you are? I can kill you right now at the snap of my fingers, " He said.

I need to teach him a lesson.

I signal my men who step forward. Handing him Bella I walked toward Davis. Once I got near he tried to punch me, I grabbed his fist and punched him. Grabbing his collar I landed multiple punches on him.

"Kill him, " Davis shouted at his men only to be greeted with silence.

"My men already got rid of them, " I said in a dangerous tone. Davis's eyes widen.

"I am King and I own this area, " I told him causing him to stiffen.

Grabbing his face I slammed it on the floor multiple times until he was unconscious. Satisfied I step back.

"That's what you get for hurting my girl, " I whispered and stepped back taking Bella in my arms.

As I reached my home I rushed her to the room making sure my parents didn't find her in such a state. I called the doctor. I clench my fist. After making sure she was okay the doctor left me once I understood what happened to her. A panic attack. Although she will be fine as per the doctor. I sighed and climbed beside her a sly down glancing at her. She might not like being touched in such a state so I just stare at her making sure she isn't comfortable.

I wasn't able to sleep and just waited. Bella suddenly woke up and her breathing quick. She didn't move and stared at the ceiling. I sat up concerned. When she noticed me she calmed down a little.

"Sogno? no ( dream? No ), " She muttered under her breath. Before I could show my distaste she gazed at me concerned.

"He was one of them. He hurt me back then, " She said her voice shaking. Instantly I felt rage but I held it in. Bella needs me right now.

"You are safe Bella, " I assure her.

"Eli, " She whispered and fell back asleep. I caressed her head.

Don't worry I got something for you that you would like and it will lessen your pain maybe.

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