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While Saathvik was deeply in thought about her his professor noticed that he wasn't paying attention to the class.
"Saathvik, Saathvik ", the professor called out his name but he didn't respond to the teacher.
Neha slightly kicked his leg as he finally came back to his senses.
He stood up as the teacher called him again.
"Saathvik, Aren't you interested in the class? I can see you being lost in your thoughts".
"No sir. I'm being attentive".
"No, you're not. This must be your first and last warning. I'm leaving you because you were one of the best students in your UG or else you know what I'm capable of doing".
"Sorry sir" apologized Saathvik as he became quite upset as he got scolded by his favourite professor.

As the class was over, the professor called Saathvik and told him to follow him.
They both went out,
"Saathvik, is there a problem?"
"No sir".
"Then, why are you behaving like this?"
"Sir..." and before Saathvik could complete his sentence,
"I have known you since your UG Saathvik, you were in your own thoughts, stay attentive. Remember that you are in your PG, so be responsible" said his professor in a stern voice.
"This won't be repeated, sir".
"Okay go to your class".


I don't know why, but only Sanskriti is in my mind. I can't accept the fact that I am lost in her thoughts that too in my favourite professor's class. I should stop thinking about her and stay attentive. I'm ashamed of myself.
While scolding myself I entered the classroom just to see the students coming out of the classroom.

"Saathvik, the next professor is absent so the class is free", said Riya.
"We're going to the cafeteria, would you like to join us?" asked Neha.

I didn't feel like going to the cafe so I simply refused them and packed my bag while moving towards the library.

I am currently in the last class of the day. Never expected college to be this much hectic. It's more like an adventure. I joined yesterday and today I pulled out a stunt. God, when will I start controlling my anger? My thoughts were interrupted by my friend as she questioned,
"Kriti, where are you lost?"
"Nothing Vaishu, just paying attention to the class".
"Fine. I'm hungry"
"Let's go to the cafeteria after this".

The classes are quite interesting. 3 hours of theory and 3 hours of practicals per day.
Studying an Allied Health Science course is quite interesting and challenging.
The class was over we went to the cafe. The place was quite busy when we looked for a place to sit, I saw my senior, Riya with whom I had a disinteresting conversation in the morning.
As she saw me, she waved at me while I waved back as I didn't want her to think that I was ignoring her.
Vaishnavi noticed this and asked,
"Do you know her?"
"I met her this morning, she's our senior "
" Which course?"
"Nice, let's go and sit with her," said Vaishu.
"No, she's with her friends and I don't want to approach her"
"Kriti, please we don't have a lot of places to sit so let's sit just with them "
"Vaish......." and before I could complete my sentence, she dragged me towards Riya and asked if we could sit with her and her friends.
As Riya had no problem with us joining them, Vaishnavi stood up to get some snacks while Riya's friend accompanied her as I sat while Riya and a guy sat in front of me.

As Sanskriti sat opposite me, I texted Saathvik to come to the cafe.
I then introduced her to Vijay and he started talking to her within 2 minutes her friend and Neha came with a lot of snacks for all of us.

My study was interrupted when my phone buzzed indicating that I had a message, it was from Riya and she called me to the cafe. I looked at the time and it was already 4:30 pm so I took my bag and went towards the cafe.

The seniors are so nice. They kept talking about some random stuff while Kriti listened to them silently. I guess she's bored but I can see her eyes searching for someone or something and that was when Vijay shouted,
"Here we are Vicky, come on"
and that was when I saw a muscular guy who was very fair and good-looking. He wore a glass and looked like a studious guy. I saw him standing near our table as there was only one place left for him, he looked at Kriti as she gave him space to sit beside her. The girl who doesn't like to give off her space so easily was giving him space. This is very weird.

As he sat near her, they both had eye- contact while he smiled at her but I couldn't see if she smiled back at him. They looked at each other for a few seconds while I interrupted their moment by introducing myself to him.
"Hello, I'm Vaishnavi"
"Hi, I'm Saathvik"
I smiled at him while he just nodded, he smiled at Kriti and nodded at me. My thoughts were interrupted by Neha as she said,
"Vicky introduce yourself to her"
I can see him secretly glaring at her while she smiled at him sheepishly.
I saw Riya as she signalled me to accompany her. "Why is she calling me? Let me just go and confront her". So I stood up and told Kriti that I wanted to use the washroom while Riya said that she would accompany me to the restroom.
Vijay left to make a call while the other three were sitting there.


Everybody left me with these 2. What excuse should I make to leave? We've planned to make Kriti and Vicky talk with each other. We want them to spend some time alone.
"Guys, let me just go get some snacks. You both take care of our bags. I'll be back within 5 minutes" and before they both could reply, I ran away from that place.
I went and hid behind the wall as the other 3 were already hiding there while looking at those 2.


End of chapter-3

This is the longest chapter which has 1070 words.

The next chapter will be posted on Monday.

The conversation between the main leads will take place in the next chapter.

You can follow @canthisbecalledasa_lovestory on Instagram for more updates on the story.

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