Chapter - 10

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Saathvik's Point of View:

We just walked not knowing where to go. Even if we didn't know the destination I was happy to walk as it was with her that too hand in hand.

I drank a bit of Coke and passed it to her while getting her purse from her.
We sat on a stone bench in the garden as she removed her hand from mine. I just looked at the sky as she said,
"Sorry sir"
"Why?", I questioned confusingly.

"I called you by a nickname and even held your hand. Sasha was troubling me a lot. She kept on bickering and I had to do something. Please don't mistake sir".

Again, she started using sir. I'm going to hate the term, sir. Satvi was so nice. For the first time, I loved the nickname given to me as I don't like it when others call me Vicky but I said nothing as the people who call me Vicky are my friends but, when SHE gave me a nickname I felt Euphoric.

"You can call me by that name itself. It's nice."

"No sir, it's okay"

"No, you must call me by that name",


"No more sirs. If you call me sir then I'm not going to talk to you".

I pretended to stay angry and walk away, but she kept on calling me sir, I didn't turn back,

As she shouted, I shouted back
"That's not the name given by you".

"Satvi...." Finally , I turned around to have a look at my Sana.
"You're so mean. How can I call you that?"

"Neenga kooptu dhan aaganum"
(You must call me by that name only)

"Then you must talk to me informally, you also call me by a nickname,"
And before I could call her Sana, someone interrupted as she was being called by a guy.

"Sanskriti you're here. I called your number in the morning but Vaishnavi picked it up and said that you're busy for the whole day as your family is coming to meet you. Where are they? I would love to meet him".

I think I've seen him somewhere. He isn't peculiar.He is spoiling our moment. Vaishnavi told him that she's busy and her family has come. I didn't meet her family here and even Sana didn't inform me about her family's visit.
As I looked at the guy keenly, I was able to identify him. He's the same guy who was talking to her yesterday. Who is he? Why is he behind her? Why the hell does he want to meet her family?

I felt left out, I didn't want him around her but can't do anything. I just stood there and the guy noticed me. I thought he would leave from there but no, he dared to introduce himself,

"Hi I am Roshan"
we shook hands and what he told next made me clench my jaw,

"You must be her brother. Nice to meet you".

"He is not my brother "
"I'm not her brother"
We told at the same time as we looked at each other.
"Roshan, meet Saathvik. Our senior".

"Senior? Wow! You're in touch with our senior. How come did you become so close to him within such a short span of time? You never talk to our classmates but here you are smiling at him".

He looked shocked.

"Why do you want to know that?"

"Just curious. She never talked to me on her own. She hesitated to give her number to me and even told Vaishnavi that her family is coming but is with you on a date".

"That's our thing. You've known everything. You know that she has lied about meeting her family and avoided you just to meet me. I think you've known more than enough and I don't have the need to explain everything to you. You're matured enough to understand".

As I said this I walked away and she followed me like a lost puppy. Did she lie to meet me? That's a nice progress. I spoke a lot to that guy. I might've sounded rude. I spoke to him as if were a couple and she didn't even stop me. She kept quiet as I was dealing with that guy. It was as if she was agreeing to whatever I said. I really wanted to confront her about the lie uttered by her.


"Vicky, come let's eat", said Vinay for the tenth time as Vicky was still lost in her thoughts.

It's been a day since they met at the cafe but he still can't get out of the incident which happened a day before. The way they held each other's hands and the way she called him with a cute nickname was something which became so close to his heart, he kept on thinking about her as he forgot to eat, sleep and do his college work.

Whenever a couple call each other with a nickname, he calls it cringe but when she used a nickname, he wasn't able to use the word cringe.

Vinay finally dragged Vicky to the hostel mess as they met Vijay there.

"Guys, it's time for college. Come and eat quickly" Vijay said they started eating while Vicky was laughing at himself, more like a maniac.

Vaishu's Point of View:

She finally called him with a nickname, even if it is to show Sasha that they are friends and are close, I know that she really wanted to address him with a nickname and was very happy when they walked away as their fingers intervined with each other. I can understand that she likes him and she isn't good at mastering her emotions. She is expressing her love for him in this way and is saying that it's because of Sasha.
Sasha is my trump card as I can use her to make Kriti jealous and make her agree that she likes him. As I thought about all this, I started walking out of the hostel with Kriti, Riya and Neha.
Kriti doesn't know that we all saw her and Vicky at the cafe as we hid there to find whatever happened. We were able to notice Kriti getting lost in her thoughts as she didn't pay attention to our words. Everything might seem so fast to others but we know that he's been into her for the past two months. Is this unofficial date a progress in their relationship? I have a lot to know about them but it can be known only when Kriti opens up about those two months.


End of Chapter -10

Sorry for the delay in updating the chapter.
The next chapter will be updated in the first week of September as my exams are nearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20 ⏰

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