Into You 3/14

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Hello, everyone! Welcome to the third part of this update. 🎉☺️💗
How are you all liking this story so far?
Don't be shy to comment down your thoughts and reactions 🌟
And also, don't be shy to reach out, dears, if there's something you wanna tell me personally 🥰
Well, I hope this whole month of August will be good to all of us 🙏✨



Another day.
Win is running late for his 8 AM meeting in the company, he ran down the stairs outside their house
Bright quickly opened the car's door for him
"Drive faster, Nani, please. Thank you." Win said and focused on his iPad
He didn't see Bright gave Nani a gesture saying 'wait'.
"Your seatbelt, sir." Bright looked at Win from the passenger seat
Win gave him a confused look, "What?" then he added, "I'm in a hurry. We should be in the road by now!"
"If you already put your seatbelt on, we could've been in the road by now." Bright remarked
Win sighed and rolled his eyes but did what Bright just told him to do
Brighton faced the front again and nodded at Nani
'The heck? Why's he ordering me around?' Win thought

Quarter to 8 in the morning, they have arrived outside of the MetaYuen Corporation, Bright stepped out of the car and opened the car's door for Win
He even held out his right hand for Win to assist him on getting down of the car
Win put his iPad on Bright's hand instead of holding it and swiftly walked past him
Bright stared at the iPad on his hand for a second before closing the car's door and he quickly followed Win

Gawin immediately walked up to Win as soon as Win stepped out of the elevator
"Boss." Gawin bowed down to him
Win asked him, "Are they already inside?"
"Yes, boss." Gawin responded and handed him an iPad
Win accepted it and looked at what the screen was showing
"That's the powerpoint that's gonna be presented, sir." said by Gawin then he looked at Bright
Win noticed it hence why he spoke up, "That's Bright, by the way. My new personal bodyguard. You're gonna be seeing him a lot from now on."
"Copy, boss." Gawin bowed down
Win nodded, "Let's go." and he walked first towards the meeting room

That noon, Win has to be somewhere for his lunch meeting
Gawin opened Win's office door for him and he stepped out
He looked at Bright as Bright looked back at him
Win rolled his eyes then walked past Bright, Bright simply let out a sigh as he followed Win
Then Gawin picked up his pace and walked beside Bright, he whispered, "Hey, better keep an eye on boss. He likes to move fast. He would be in your sight then in a second, he wouldn't be."
Bright gave him a side glance before nodding, "Got it." he muttered

They are now on the way to the restaurant where Win's lunch meeting at
Win cleared his throat first before speaking, "Hey, where's my iPad?" he said that while just looking at the passing scenery outside
Nani quickly glanced at his Sir. Win through the rearview mirror then he focused on the road again and through his peripheral vision, he saw Bright handed Win back his iPad
"Thanks." Win muttered, accepting it

They arrived in front of the restaurant, Bright opened the car's door for Win and this time, he didn't lend out a hand to assist Win on getting out of the car
He looked down when Win sticked out his iPad in front of him
'The hell? Am I his iPad holder or something?' Bright thought but nevertheless, he took it from Win as he looked away
Then Win stepped out of the car, Bright closed the car's door after him
Nani left to park the car
"Bro, you good?" Nani chuckled, he was talking to him through their intercom tube
Bright let Win walked ahead first before giving Nani an answer, "I think, I'm not his bodyguard anymore." Bright muttered
He heard Nani laughed then Bright opened the restaurant's door for Win
"We're inside now, dude. Will let you know when the meeting's finished." Bright informed Nani
"Good luck, man." He heard Nani said
A waiter leaded the way to a table in the middle
Win greeted the middle-aged man in front of him, "Good Afternoon, Mr. Suarez." then he held out his right hand for formal greeting
Mr. Suarez stood up and laughed, happy to see Win, he accepted Win's hand and said, "President Opas' eldest. How have you been doing?"
"I'm doing alright. Hope I didn't make you wait long." Win answered
"Oh, no worries. I also just got here. Let's take a seat." said by Mr. Suarez
The waiter pulled the chair for Win, the waiter also put a table napkin on Win's lap
"Thank you." Win said to the waiter
Bright just stayed behind Win, observing their surroundings

The meeting went on as when the appetizers were served
After a while, the waiters came back with the main dish
Bright eyed the plate of linguine with clams pasta that's about to be served, Bright suddenly remembered Win's allergy to any seafood that has a shell
"Uh, excuse me." Bright stopped the waiter, the waiter looked at him
Win and Mr. Suarez were also looking at him
"I'm sorry but my boss is allergic to clams. Can you serve something else?" Bright calmly asked
Win slightly widened his eyes at that
"Oh, I didn't know that. Sorry for that, Mr. Opas." Mr. Suarez spoke up
That made Win to look at Mr. Suarez then he gave him an assuring smile and said, "No worries, Mr. Suarez."
"Would chicken pesto be alright?" Mr. Suarez asked him
"Yes, thank you." said by Win, he also thanked the waiter
Bright went back to his position
'I think, I'm dead.' Bright thought and he already imagined Win's' nagging him

The lunch meeting is over, "Don't tell Nani to come in front. I'll talk to you on the way to the car." Win said to him while leaving the restaurant
And just as what Bright have imagined, Win would nag him
"Start the car." Bright quickly gave Nani a heads up through their intercom tube then he followed Win outside
'Here we go.' he thought.
Win tried to calm himself before speaking, "I could've handled it myself. But you, you had to step in."
"Is it really that hard to say thank you right away?" Bright asked
Win stopped walking and faced him, "Hey!"
"The last time I checked, you are my bodyguard not anything else so, act like it." Win added
With a nonchalant expression, Bright handed Win back his iPad
"What?" Win looked at it then he looked at Bright again
"At least hold your own iPad?" Bright said like it was the most obvious thing in the world
"It's too heavy." Win mumbled and continued on walking
Bright looked at Win's back in pure disbelief
Then he saw Win stopped beside the car and waited for Bright to open the door for him
Bright sighed before walking up to Win and opened the car's door for him
Win got inside and Bright muttered, "Brat." as he closed the door and then he also got inside the car
"We'll be picking up my wife in Sweet Angels charity foundation." Win said while putting his seatbelt on, he doesn't want to be reminded by Bright again
"Yes, sir." Nani responded

They arrived in front of Sweet Angels charity foundation
Bright opened the car's door for Win and yes, he's still holding his iPad
"I'll just let them know my presence." Win muttered and Bright just followed him inside where they met Baifern
Baifern smiled as soon as she saw Win, "You've arrived." then she approached Win with a hug
"Hi." Win also smiled at her and hugged his wife back
They pulled away from each other and Baifern asked, "You wanna see the kids?"
Win nodded, still smiling
They greeted the foundation's owner and management first
"We couldn't thank the both of you enough for everything you've done and you've given in this foundation." the woman in her mid-50s, Mrs. Cruz, the owner of the foundation, sincerely expressed her gratitude to Win and his wife
"We are glad that we can help, Mrs. Cruz." Baifern warmly smiled at her
"Anything for the kids' better future." Win followed up
"Let me lead you to them." said by Mrs. Cruz

After visiting the kids in the charity foundation, they headed straight to home.
Bright parted ways with them as soon as they got inside the manor
Win assisted Baifern to walk up the grand staircase
"How's your new personal bodyguard?" Baifern asked her husband
Win looked at her then Baifern added, "Liking him so far?"
"I know what you're asking me." Win shook his head
Then they reached the floor upstairs
"What?" Baifern laughed and followed Win to their room
"I'm just asking if he's good at his job." Baifern followed up
Win nodded, "He is." well, that was an undeniable one
"And he knows too many things." Win added that made Baifern to laugh
Baifern just finished removing her necklace while facing her vanity mirror then she turned to her husband as she was removing her earrings, "Well, isn't that a good thing?" she asked
"Sometimes." Win shrugged off his shoulder
Baifern started teasing Win by saying, "Or is it just that he knows more things than you?"
"Whatever, Fern, you're just trying to put me on edge." Win rolled his eyes, his wife just laughed at him



Will be seeing you again next Sunday, dears! ☺️
Take care 💗
Sending love and hugs from your dearest
author 🤗


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