Tequila 4/5

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Another day ...
"So, what now? Is he on the way there?" Tay asks through the call
He's now on a phone call with Win
"Yes, he just sent me a message about it." Win answers
"I knew it, eventually, you'd give in to him." Tay chuckles
"Hey, I'm still not fully giving in, you know." Win rolls his eyes in amusement
"Oh, yeah? But one of these days, you would." Tay laughs
"What is Ayer doing by the way?" Tay asks
"He's just playing right in front of me." Win answers
"Let me say hi." Tay says then Win puts
the phone on loudspeaker
"Hey, bub, Uncle Tay wants to say hi to you." Win says with a smile
Thayer quickly stands up from sitting on the carpet and runs to Win
"Go." Win gives Tay a signal
"Hi, Ayer. How have you been, huh, little buddy?" Tay asks
"Hello, Uncle Tay!" Thayer even waves at the phone even though it's just a phone call
"I'm very happy right now because I will see P'Bai again." Thayer added, widely smiling
"Then I'm happy for you as well, buddy. Enjoy today and Uncle Tay will visit you soon." Tay says
"Okay, bye, Uncle Tay." Thayer waves at the phone again and he goes back to playing

Someone rings the doorbell, catching Win's attention
"Uh, hey, someone just rang the doorbell." Win stands up from the sofa and walks towards the door
"That must be him now. Calm yourself, please." Tay lets out a heavy deep breath
"Shush it." Win rolls his eyes and Tay laughs
"See you, friend." Tay says after laughing
"See you." Win says and ends the call
Win opens the door and got shocked to see the person who just rang his doorbell
"Luke." Win gives him a small smile
"Hi, ..." Luke slowly says back and lends out the bouquet of pink roses that he's holding
"Is it a bad time right now?" Luke asks noticing Win's expression
"Uh, no." Win shakes his head and accepts the bouquet
"Thanks." Win mutters
"When did you get back?" Win opens the door for him and Luke got inside
"Just last night." Luke answers
"Hey, Thayer." Luke goes to Thayer
Win places the bouquet on the coffee table
"Uncle Lu." Thayer immediately hugs Luke
"I got something for you." Luke says while
they are pulling away from the hug and he shows Thayer one of the white paper bags that he's holding
Thayer's whole face lightens up and accepts the white paper bag
"Woah." Thayer's reaction while putting out the toy that Luke bought for him
"Thank you, Uncle Lu." Thayer hugs his new toy
"No problem, Thayer." Luke ruffles Thayer's hair
"And this one is for you." Luke says and hands Win the other white paper bag that he brought
"Luke, you didn't —"
"Hey, I know I didn't have to. You've told me that for a hundred times now ..." Luke chuckles and Win rolls his eyes in amusement
"But just let me, okay?" Luke added
Win sighs before accepting the white paper bag
"I'll just open it later." Win says and places the white paper bag on the coffee table as well
"You guys ate lunch already?" Luke asks, making Win to remember about Bright


He curses in his mind, he quickly gets his phone out from his sweatpants' pocket
He got a message from Bright

Bright x

Hey, I'll just drop by some shop on the way.
See you, guys. :)

Win is panicking inside.

What to do? What to do?

His thought.
"Hey." Luke calls him out, snapping Win out of his thoughts
"What was it again?" Win asks, Luke shakes his head in amusement
"I asked if you guys ate lunch already because I'm thinking if we should go out or just order some take-outs." Luke sits on the sofa and helps Thayer to set-up his new toy
"Luke, the thing is ..." Win trails off, already feeling bad for Luke
"What? You guys got some plans already?" Luke asks, not being mad about it
"Uh, yes." Win scratches the back of his head
"Alright." Luke stands up from the sofa
"I'm sorry." Win immediately says
"No, don't be. I should be the one saying that.
I'm sorry if I just went here without giving you a notice. I just wanted to surprise you and Thayer." Luke gives Win an assuring smile
"And we appreciated that a lot." Win immediately says
"Alright, then I guess, I'll just see you two again next time." Luke says, still smiling
"Uncle Lu will be going now, Thayer. I hope you like your new toy." Luke ruffles Thayer's hair again
"I do, thank you again Uncle Lu." Thayer smiles
"So, can I at least get a hug?" Luke opens his arms for Win
"Of course." Win rolls his eyes in amusement for the nth time just this afternoon and hugs Luke
"I'll make it up to you next time." Win whispers
Then they pulled away
"I'll take note of that." Luke says while they are walking towards the door
Win laughs and opens the door for Luke
"Drive safely." Win waves at him
"Got it." Luke nodded
He waves back at Win before entering his car
Win waits for Luke to leave first before closing the door and he lets out a heavy deep breath

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