Into You 10/14

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AN :

I know, this update is way overdue now.
Sorry for missing it last week, dears!
But here it is now ☺️
Enjoy Reading! ✨💗



A week has passed after that day.
It was a brand new day and it was Andrew's birthday.
Bright was invited by the said friend to his house just for a simple celebration and with a little bit of drinking session on the side.
"You should bring Win. Tell him, he's invited as well." his friend said earlier on the phone call
"I'll try but I don't think he can come. He's busy working." that was what Bright said
"Alright, but still tell him, alright!" said by Andrew

Bright knocked on the door of his room, which is Win's room for now
"Come in!" he heard Win say, Bright opened the door and got inside
He saw Win was too focused on his laptop
"Hey, are you busy that much?" nevertheless, Bright asked
Win stopped working for a bit to face Bright, "Well, yeah. It is the month-end. I have a meeting with Gawin in 15. Why, though?"
"It's not really a big deal. It is Andrew's birthday and he's also inviting you to come but it's alright, I already told him that you might not come 'cause of work. I'll leave you to it now." said by Bright
"Will you be going?" Win asked, his eyes looked tired
"Yeah, but I won't be out for too long though." Bright answered
Win nodded, "Alright." then he faced his laptop again then he spoke again, "Enjoy and greet Andrew for me."
"Will you be alright? You look like you're going to come down with a fever." Bright said
"I'm fine, just sleepy. I'll take a nap after talking to Gawin." said by Win
Bright nodded, "Okay. I'll be back in a few."
Win nodded back, Bright closed the door and went to their living room where his family were
"Ma, I'm going to Andrew's house just for a bit. Win seems to be sick, can you watch over him for me?" said by Bright
"Alright, son, no problem." his mother said
Bright said, "If it gets worse, let me know right away."
"I will." his mother nodded

While Win was having a meeting with Gawin on the other hand, Bright arrived in Andrew's house
"Oh, B!" Andrew reacted upon seeing him
"Happy Birthday, dude." Bright greeted him as they did a man hug
"Thank you, man. I'm glad you made it. Where is Win though?" Andrew asked
Bright answered, "He's working but he told me to greet you a happy birthday."
"That's unfortunate but I understand. Tell him my thank you then." said by Andrew which Bright nodded to
"Come on, eat. Will you be staying for the drinks later?" Andrew leaded Bright to the kitchen where Sarah and Yuna were
Yuna simply nudged Sarah
"B!" Sarah greeted him
Bright smiled at him, "Hey."
"Win didn't come with you?" she asked
"No, he's working." Bright's simple answer
Yuna smiled at him, "Hey, B."
Bright nodded at her, "Hi."
"Did you already eat? What do you want? I'll get it for you." said by Yuna
Bright said, "No, it's alright. I already ate and I don't plan on staying for too long."
"'What? You're not gonna drink later?" Sarah asked
"Come on, B, just one shot, yeah?" Andrew followed up
"Just one and then I'll be off, alright?" said by Bright
"More than alright." Andrew nodded

Back in the Chivaarere's household ...
Win went down to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water, his meeting with Gawin just finished
He reached the kitchen and see Mrs. Chivaaree wiping the kitchen counter
"Theia." Win greeted her
"Oh, dear, you need anything?" she asked and approached him
"Bright told you might be feeling sick. Are you?" she checked his temperature by putting the back of her palm on Win's forehead
"Your body temperature's kinda hot, dear. What are you feeling?" said by Mrs. Chivaaree then she handed Win a glass of water
Win said, "Thank you, theia." he added, "But I do feel kinda unwell must be from working nonstop today."
"You should get some rest now, dear. I'll ask Bright to buy a medicine for you then take it, okay?" said by Mrs. Chivaaree
"Uh, theia, —" he doesn't wanna bother Bright
"It's fine, dear, now, go up to your room and take a rest. You can drink the medicine later when it arrived." Mrs. Chivaaree cut Win off
"Thank you." Win politely said
Mrs. Chivaaree smiled at him, "No worries, dear."

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