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These words which I write
Are like monsters in my head
Beg me to free them from my mind
Want to make their own existence, rising from dead

If I compare my mind with a tree, it won't be cherry blossom
It would be sanctuary of dark hemlock trees in the snow
With alluring lurking phantoms.

These beautiful words trap me in my own head
Reminding me of the plot which is still unread
unwritten stories keep me awake at night,
whisper in my ears to make them come alive

they lure me away from actuality,
they want me to take to different universe.
Although you saw me talking with people in reality
But I am in my mind all the time, living my life in duality

the sane side of me told me to resist
but this idea of escapism capitulates me to persist
urge me to give in to temptation
and surrender myself to my eternal imagination.

- Bushra

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