how it got even more complicated...

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,,He made her captain? But why?" Draco asked again, pacing through the room, still not believing it. 

,,Ah... maybe because she's the best player in her whole team?" I asked back from the sofa, raising my eyebrows at him. 

,,Well, I don't really understand it either..." Blaise muttered from the other side of the sofa. 

,,See!" Draco called out. ,,Why would he chose her? Mallow, okay. Carlson? Maybe. Riggs? Alright. But her?" 

I slammed my book on the table, and stood up. ,,What the fuck, Draco? Just because she's on the opposite team doesn't mean you get to disrespect her like that!" 

,,Mattheo, calm down." Theodore muttered, slowly rising from the couch as well. 

,,I'm not disrespecting her." Draco said, glaring over at me. ,,I'm just asking obvious questions. Because I always thought Smith was a smart captain. Then why would he make the only girl on his team the new captain? That's just stupid! She can't possibly lead all those boys..." 

Before I could come at him, Blaise and Theodore stepped between me and Draco, holding me back. ,,Mattheo, don't..." 

,,Oh, I'll tell you why." I hissed at Draco. ,,Because those boys know better than to disrespect her. They know, how smart and dangerous she can be. Just because you're with the most innocent Ravenclaw there is doesn't mean there aren't some fucking evil ones, Draco!" 

He just shook his head. ,,You're getting awfully aggressive and protective, considering you and her are only fake-dating..." 

,,That's because he actually loves her." Pansy whispered to Berkshire on the other sofa. 

Glaring back at Draco, I tried to calm down by crossing my arms over my chest. ,,Oh yeah? At least I actually am officially dating a Ravenclaw!" 

Berkshire let out a sharp breath from the other sofa, next to Pansy. ,,Damn..." 

,,Oh, shut up!" Draco responded to me. ,,I asked Luna out yesterday!" 

I chuckled. ,,I'm sorry, mate."

He frowned. ,,For what?"

,,Well, I assume she said no?" 

Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes. ,,No, she said yes."

,,Actually?" I raised my eyebrows. ,,In that case... I'm sorry for her." 

,,Mattheo, really?" Blaise rolled his eyes. ,,Just leave him alone." 

I shrugged. ,,He started it."

,,I asked valid questions." Draco hissed back. ,,But you had to make a whole girlfriend-discussion out of it!" 

,,All I'm saying is, that Phersephone deserves to be captain of her team." I gave back. 

,,She's still the only girl..." Theodore said, looking at me nervously. 

,,So what?" I hissed at him. ,,That doesn't mean anything."

,,Yes, and by the way..." Berkshire called out from the other sofa. ,,She's probably a better chaser and player than all of us."

I nodded, still glaring at Draco. ,,Is it that? Are you scared to loose to a girl, Draco?" Turning around, I faced the rest of my team. ,,What is it with all of you? Either we win against Ravenclaw, which we all hope for. Or we loose, and accept it! Girl captain or not."

,,Exactly!" Pansy called out. ,,You tell them, mate." 

,,And you..." I pointed my finger at Berkshire. ,,Thanks for the support, but... Keep your eyes off my girlfriend, understood?" 

Oh, my dear... (Mattheo Riddle ff)Where stories live. Discover now