Unexpected invitation...

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Just days into Mia's absence, Char received an unexpected message that sent shivers down her spine. The number was familiar but vague, like a fleeting shadow. The text read: "Meet me at The Rusty Nail. I need to talk. - R."

Confusion washed over Char as she stood there, the nursery bustling around her while she felt eerily isolated. She recognized an unsettling familiarity about the message. But as she pieced the details together, dread welled up in her chest-Roger, Mia's ex-boyfriends father , had always lingered like a dark cloud over her life.

With hesitance, Char made her way to The Rusty Nail, a dimly lit bar with a reputation for secrets and hidden agendas. As she entered, the smoke-infused air felt thick with shadows, and her heart raced when she spotted Roger seated in a corner booth, nursing a drink.

"Char," he said, with a predatory charm that made her stomach churn. "I've been waiting for you."

As she sat across from him, Char recalled how Roger had toyed with Mia's emotions for years. This was a man who thrived on control, and now Mia was gone-leaving Char vulnerable.

"What do you want?" Char asked, her voice steadier than she felt.

Roger leaned in, a smirk curling on his lips. "I just wanted to see how you were doing without Mia around. She always did have a way of rescuing you, didn't she?"

Char's heart raced, but she leaned back in her seat, unwilling to show fear. "I'm fine, Roger. You should just leave us both alone."

But Roger wasn't finished. He leaned closer, whispering cruel words that cut through her like daggers. "You think you can have her? You think you're safe? You're just another toy in this game."

Fury ignited within her, but also an overwhelming sense of fear. Char stood abruptly, "You don't control me. You can't hurt me anymore!" With that, she spun on her heel to leave, but Roger's hand shot out to grip her wrist, his face darkening.

"You think Mia has really changed? Just wait. She'll come crawling back to me. They always do."

It was a cruel reminder of Mia's past entanglements. Panic struck, and Char wrenched her wrist free but did she really manage to get away?

With a surge of strength, she broke free.

the world around her a blurry sea

but did she manage to truly escape,

or was this just another twist of fate?

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