its all char's fault..

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A few weeks went by,  The sterile smell of antiseptic filled the air as the muted beeping of machines created a rhythmic lullaby in the dimly lit hospital room. Char lay partially obscured by the white sheets, an array of wires and tubes intertwining with her limbs like ivy on a forgotten statue. Though her body had survived the ordeal of surgery, her spirit seemed to drift somewhere far away, caught in the stillness of an untold story.

Mia had refused to leave Char's side during the long, grueling days that followed the accident. As Char sank deeper into the realm of the unconscious, Mia made herself comfortable in a makeshift bed made of blankets and cushions. Each murmur of the nurses echoed through her mind as they fussed over Char's fragile state, but all she could think about was how alone she  must feel in a world of silence.

Night after night blurred together into a symphony of distress, stitched together by the fleeting moments when Char's eyes fluttered open, offering a glimpse of the spark that had once flickered so vibrantly. Mia clung to those moments, her heart dancing on the edge of hope as she whispered secrets only the two of them understood—stories of dreams unfulfilled and promises yet to be discovered.

Mia awoke one morning, sunlight casting a warm glow over the room. Char had been stable for a few days now, and laughter danced on the cusp of her thoughts, a beacon of joy against the backdrop of shadows and despair. But before she could grasp that thread of hope, a siren call rang out, pulling her from sleep with a violent jolt. Beeping. Rapid. Erratic.

Panic seized the air as Mia shot upright, her heart racing in response to the cacophony of alarms. The rhythmic dance of numbers began to spiral, twisting into a chaotic frenzy. She rushed to Char's side, her hands trembling as she grasped the lifeless fingers that had once felt so strong, so vibrant.

"Char! Please!" she cried, her voice breaking. Tears streamed down her face as she desperately searched for some sign of life amid the electronic cacophony. "Wake up! Don't do this to me!"

The flatlining sound pierced through Mia's cries, a brutal reminder of the fragility of life. A cold wave of reality washed over her, shocking her into a state of frozen despair. Nurses stormed in, their movements like a well-rehearsed ballet—efficient, urgent.

"Mia, step back!" one of them shouted, ushering her out of the way as they worked to stabilize Char.

Mia collapsed.

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