Leaving so soon?

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 As summer approached, the horizon of change loomed. Mia had planned a long-awaited vacation—a trip she hoped would rejuvenate her spirit, yet a nagging sense of guilt tugged at her heart. Leaving Char behind felt like leaving a part of herself.

Char stood at the airport, waves of longing and love crashing against the bittersweet pang of separation. They exchanged promises of nightly calls and made plans for when Mia returned.

 As Mia handed Char a black paper rose, she promised to bring back a special surprise from her trip. Char smiled, but the light in her eyes flickered momentarily, a glimpse of vulnerability that Mia noted but did not dwell on.

Their goodbyes were bittersweet, filled with hopes and silent worries. Mia went to boarded her flight, heart leaping with excitement and trepidation, unaware of the storm that awaited her.

"Promise you'll stay safe?" Char asked, her fingers fidgeting with the bracelet she had made for Mia.

"I promise, sweetheart" Mia replied, her smile brightening the dark sky, but for Char, the bright glow was dimming with a sense of dread.

Char crossed her arms, leaning against a pillar as she chewed her lip nervously. "But it feels too soon, doesn't it? I mean, just as we're figuring things out?"

Mia stepped closer, allowing herself to breathe in the scent of Char's lavender perfume mixed with the cool air of the terminal. "I know, but this trip was planned long before we started dating. I can't push it away just because of how I feel about you. It doesn't change anything."

As the moments ticked by, the announcement of Mia's flight echoed in the background, a stark reminder that time was slipping away. "You're going to have an amazing time, Mia. It's just... I'm going to miss you," Char finally admitted, her voice softer now.

"I'll miss you too, but think of all the stories I'll have to tell you when I come back. I'll bring you back something special," Mia promised, her heart aching at the thought of being apart even for a short time.

Char's face broke into a small smile, and Mia couldn't help herself—she leaned in and captured Char's lips in a kiss, tender yet electric. It felt both thrilling and terrifying, a promise of what was to come. Mia pulled back slowly, her heart racing.

"Okay, now don't you dare go trying to kiss someone else while I'm gone," Mia teased, a playful smirk on her face, though the seriousness of her words lingered in the air.

Char chuckled, her tension easing. "As if anyone else could even compare."

With one last glance at the departure board and a deep breath, Mia grabbed her bags and walked to the ticket counter, glancing back over her shoulder to see Char standing there, a bittersweet smile on her face.

"Remember our date night when I get back," Mia called out, her heart soaring with hope and excitement. "It'll be better than any vacation."

Char gave her a thumbs up, and Mia turned away, feeling both exhilarated and terrified as she made her way through the security checkpoint. 

After Mia left, Char was enveloped in silence, the laughter fading into echoes of loneliness. Though she maintained her daily routines at the nursery, she felt like a flower wilting without sunlight.

Now Mia has gone, leaving a void in the air.

 Who will protect char, from the man who's unfair?

Now she is gone, he will not cower

He will be back to reclaim his power.

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