Heart strings of life...

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Mia awoke suddenly, her heart racing as fragments of confusion swirled in her mind. The scent of antiseptic filled the air; the beeping of machines surrounded her like a steady heartbeat that didn't belong to her. She blinked against the harsh fluorescent lights overhead, trying to piece together her surroundings. The soft rustle of fabric caught her attention, and she turned her head, wincing at a sharp pain that shot through her temple.

"Nurse! She's awake!" a voice called out from somewhere behind her.

Mia squeezed her eyes shut tight and reopened them, her vision still a bit blurry. Just then, a nurse appeared, her expression warm but professional.

"Easy now, Mia. You're alright. Just take deep breaths," she said soothingly. "You took quite a fall. You've sustained a concussion, but you're safe now."

 Mia tried to nod, but her head throbbed with even the slightest movement. As memories rushed back, she felt an uncomfortable flutter in her stomach. The images, jumbled and chaotic, painted a vivid scene of what had transpired— an unbearable moment of terror. Or so she thought...

Before she could analyze the nurse's words further, a disembodied voice echoed in her mind, each syllable tugging at her heartstrings. Just then, a soft knock sounded at the door. The nurse moved aside, and in wheeled the most beautiful sight Mia could have hoped for. —Charlotte.

Mia's breath caught in her throat. "Char!" Tears welled in her eyes as she took in her girlfriend—disheveled hair, a slight bruise on her cheek, but alive and breathing.

"Hey, sleepyhead," Charlotte said, a tremor in her voice as she smiled through her own tears.

"Thank god... I thought—" Mia started, but the emotional weight became too heavy, and her voice cracked.

Charlotte reached out her hand, and the moment their fingers intertwined, Mia felt a wave of comfort rush over her. "It's okay, love. I'm here. We're together."

It had all been a nightmare...

As Charlotte settled into the chair beside Mia's bed, the reality of their situation loomed heavily.

"What happened?" Mia's voice trembled, her eyes searching Charlotte's for answers.

Charlotte took a deep breath. her voice trembling slightly. "Roger... he.." Char goes onto explain what he had done to her... "and everything went black."

Mia's eyes welled up with tears again knowing that he had put his hands on her sweetheart. She stared at Char with gritted teeth knowing that she was away and wasn't there to protect her. And still can't as she's hauled up in a hospital bed.

Mias heart burns with a fiery rage,

desire for revenge on every page,

but will she find Roger, her target true?

and once she does , what will she do?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07 ⏰

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