The Call...

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It was during a blissful day on the beach, when laughter was echoed in the air and waves gently kissed the shore, that the phone call shattered Mia's happiness. The caller ID burned into her vision — it was Reece, her distant ex. The weight of his voice drew her attention, and Mia's heart dropped when she heard the piercing words: "Char is hurt."

Mia's heart raced, thoughts spiralling around the ominous implications that words could not convey. She had left behind the life of a spy, having turned her back on Roger and his dangerous world, but the haunting memories of him, Reece's father, flooded her mind. He had been a tyrant cloaked in charm, a man who wielded fear like a weapon. Mia's hands trembled as she hung up, the vibrant world around her fading into a blur of anxiety and dread.

 The flight home  

With her heart pounding furiously in her chest. She felt an overwhelming urge to leap into action, yet her body felt frozen—uncertain of what to do next. She grabbed her things, shoving them haphazardly into her suitcase, her mind racing with thoughts of Char. Images of their recent adventures flickered before her eyes: the late-night talks, the inside jokes, the serene moments shared under the stars. All of it felt fragile in that instant, as if she could lose it all.

In a frenzy, Mia booked the next flight home, the thrill of freedom and love evaporating into panic. Each passing minute felt eternal as memories of Char filled her mind, the elegant black roses, the colorful bracelet, the sweet whispers under the starlit sky. What had happened to her?

Arriving at the airport, Mia's thoughts continued to spiral. She bypassed the standard check-in procedures, fueled by a singular focus on getting home. In the hubbub of travelers, she felt disconnected from reality, the chatter around her muffled like a distant storm. Each step towards the gate felt heavy, burdened by worry.

The flight was turbulent, both literally and figuratively. Each bump in the air sent jolts through her heart, echoing the turmoil within. Mia closed her eyes, picturing Char's smile, the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed. She desperately hoped to see that smile again, to know that this was just a temporary setback in their journey together and that Char would soon be back to her vibrant self.

Hours later, as the plane landed, Mia felt an urgency propel her forward. She raced through the airport, her heart thudding in her ears. The familiar faces of traveler's blurred as she navigated through the crowd, her focus solely on reaching the hospital. Reece's anxious presence was the first thing she spotted upon arrival, waiting by the entrance like a lighthouse guiding her home.

"Mia!" Reece called, urgency etched across his face. "She's in surgery. They said she had a bad fall, and they're fixing a fracture... it's serious, but they think she'll pull through."

Mia's breath hitched—serious but not hopeless. She felt a flicker of relief, but fear still gnawed at her. As they waited together in the sterile waiting room, time felt irrelevant—the clock on the wall ticking by like a metronome of anxiety.

Char is in hospital they said she'd make it,

but is it true, or are they faking it?

doctors and nurses bustling around,

trying to bring her back to solid ground.

will she make it through?

or will her be fate overdue?

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