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Pedri was raised to be an honest man.All his life he was told to always tell the truth even if the truth wasnt all that pretty.On top.of that,he was taught to love and be kind.He had grown up with a man that worshipped the very group his wife walked on.His parents were the blue Print to everything he believed in when it comes to love.He wanted someone to Love the way his father loved his mother.


He was never lucky though.He was too shy to ask anybody out.And no guy ever came up to ask him out,it was only girls that had an eye for him.A gay guy.They probably didnt know but pedri found it hilarious either way.He would always tell Messi,his idol and mentor how jealous he was of him and his husband Christiano Ronaldo.How their love story came about.He could listen to it all day long.It was angsty and desperate and cruel but still they came out of it victorious.He never wanted an easy love.Never!!!.he wanted a love so deep that he was going to fight for it.He never thought that it would happen tp him until the lamasia boy named Pablo joined the first time back in 2021.


See Pedri knew right there and then that he was smitten by the boy.He had always known he was gay.And in this modern world being gay was okay and his parents supported him just as much.When he had started talking to the pretty guy hr could not belive his like.It was like they were two sides of the same coin.He might aswell call him the ying to his yang.Pablo was his first everything.First date,firsy Kiss,first Sex,first Love,surely the love of his life.Then he went and blew it all for a simple fuck.Damn you Ferran.He had a perfect relationship and he ruined it by sleeping with his bestfriend.But people make mistakes.What matters is the length they will go to make up for it.He was going to fight for his love.His belief in honesty was shaky at this point.How could he tell this beautiful eyed boy that he betrayed him in such a way.How would he even forgive himself.Even worse these days,he can see the love of his life closer to his enemy and not him.JUDE Fucken Bellingham.If He didnt hate real Madrid that much then now here he is.

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