Love Letters

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Ariel ended the call, drawing a deep breath before heading downstairs. Her steps were slow, each one feeling heavy with the weight of her thoughts and emotions. She reached the bottom of the stairs and hesitated, listening for any sounds of movement from the living room. The house was eerily quiet, and she felt a brief moment of relief.

She approached the door and unlocked it, letting Valentina in. Valentina stepped inside, her presence a comforting contrast to the oppressive silence that had settled over the house.

"Hey," Valentina greeted, her voice soft.

Ariel smiled tensely, her voice barely above a whisper. "Hi."

Valentina stepped further into the house, glancing around and raising her eyebrows in a silent question about Theo's presence. Ariel shrugged, her expression conflicted, not looking behind her or around the house. "Let's head to the room," she said softly, turning to go.

Valentina followed, her footsteps light as she navigated the quiet house. "You hop in the shower, and I'll make you some tea," she suggested, offering a reassuring smile.

Ariel nodded. "Thanks, Val," she replied, her voice tinged with relief.

While Ariel showered, Valentina made her way to the kitchen.

On the way to the kitchen, Valentina spotted Theo sprawled out on the couch. Her eyes widened, and her eyebrows shot up at the sight. Theo had a lump on his head and a fading black eye, adding to his disheveled appearance. Val grumbled to herself, "He deserves it."

Shaking her head, she continued to the kitchen. The familiar sounds of the kettle boiling and the soothing aroma of chamomile tea filled the air as she prepared a mug for Ariel. Valentina carried the tea upstairs and into Ariel's room.

Ariel was just stepping out of the shower, wrapping herself in a fluffy towel. Valentina handed her the steaming mug with a warm smile. "Here you go, freshly brewed and ready to help you relax," she said.

Ariel took the tea gratefully, her hands curling around the warm ceramic. "Thanks, Val." she murmured, taking a small sip.

Valentina sat on the edge of the bed, watching Ariel as she dressed quickly. "Theo's passed out on the couch," she mentioned, her tone casual but her eyes sharp. "He's got quite the shiner and a lump on his head."

Ariel paused, her brow furrowing slightly. "I saw the black eye last night, but not the lump. But then again.... he was never great with drinking." Theo had always been down to be their designated driver because his tolerance had never been great and he hated having a hangover.

Val shrugged. "Oh well, let's focus on you. How are we feeling? Do we want to vent right now or a distraction?"

Ariel considered the options, taking another sip of her tea. "Honestly, a bit of both," she admitted. "It's been a whirlwind of emotions, and I don't know how to process it all. I could really just use some fresh air."

Val nodded, her expression empathetic. "Let's start with a distraction, then. We can always circle back to venting when you're ready."

Ariel smiled weakly, appreciating the understanding in Valentina's approach. "Alright, distraction it is."

Valentina grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "How about we plan a little makeover? We could start with your wardrobe and maybe even your hair. A little pick me up."

Ariel nodded. "That actually sounds like a lot of fun. Let's do it."

Valentina let out a mini whoop, her enthusiasm contagious. "Alright, let's throw on some sweats and a shirt—something you can change out of easily to try on clothes."

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