Chapter 9

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"Have you been seeing anyone lately?" Kara asked as the day neared it's end. Kara was a girl, that sometimes closed with me on certain nights. Kara only worked with me, because she and Jillian did not get along at all. Jillian, a small blonde, and Kara, a tall brunette, were complete opposites. I truly liked both. 

"No, still single." Wiping down the tables, I was reminded of the last man I did actually date. "Was Mike the last man you dated?" I stopped. I forgot about that man and I wanted to keep it that way. "Yeah, unfortunately." We had finally wiped down all the tables, leaving Joe's of course as he finished. "Girl, you need to find a nice guy." I laughed. 'Yeah, that's what I need'. 

Joe had finally packed up and left, tipping his hat and wishing us well. I hoped that man had many more years to go to come, drink coffee and give his wisdom. "I think I'm going to stay tonight and clean up a little more, get ready for tomorrow." I said, still wiping up the back. "This place doesn't pay you enough Sam." I laughed and waved her goodbye. "See you soon!" I continued on, getting ready for what the next day would hold. 

I hadn't seen Julian, since the parade, which was a couple of days ago. I started to wonder if he would come back or if possibly, he simply forgot. I would be sad, I liked seeing him and having our night rituals and he was amusing to see. 

The door knocked and for the first time in a while, my first thought wasn't Julian, or an axe murderer funny enough. "Sorry we're closed!" The knocking continued. "Didn't you hear me? Tomorrow we open a-" Words stopped and my smiled widened as I looked at Julian standing behind those glass doors, waving at me. What a child.

"Well hello there Edelman." I greeted him as he walked in. "Hello Sam." He smiled back at me as he made his way in. "To the back I guess?" I stated, starting to take my apron off. "Actually first, I want a coffee." I laughed. "Come on dude, I just put everything back." He smiled and took a seat. "I'll wait." 

I sighed and got to work to make his coffee, but still trying to be neat as possible. I didn't want much to clean up tomorrow.

Setting his coffee down, I took a seat as well, the seats we always sat at. "I'm guessing you watched the Super Bowl right?" I laughed, was that a rhetorical question? "Of course I watched it! You guys were amazing! Those touchdowns? Amazing! Butlers interception? Oh my god I was going to have a heart attack. And Sherman's face? Priceless." 

His laugh was ecstatic and quite calming. "All of those things were sweet. Man, I still can't believe we won. It's an incredible feeling." I nodded in agreement. "I can bet it is! I'm just a fan and it's incredible to feel! To be on the field, to play, man it has to be amazing." 

Sipping his coffee, I thought back to the parade. "I went to your guys's parade a few days ago, pretty amazing to see all those fans." He nodded and smiled. "I know you went, I saw you. If I'm not mistaken, brown apron?" I started to giggle, he did see me. "Yep, yep. I guess I stood out in all the red and blue?" He nodded. "Just a little."

"So what have you done, since I last saw you?" I waved my hands to the coffee shop. "This. That's all." He looked around and nodded. "Like that's it? Don't you have a life out of this place? No dreams to fulfill?" I laughed at the comment. "Don't we all. Some of us live it." I pointed to him. "And some of us, well some of us just don't make it there."

 He finished his coffee and handed it to me as I put it in the sink. "What was your dream?" I stopped and thought about it, it had been so long. "I wanted to work in sportscasting and journalism to be honest. Be there on the sidelines, do interviews." I took off my apron and set it on the counter for the next day. "But that was the past. I like to focus on now."

 I tugged at Julians pants and kissed his neck. He purred as his arms snaked around me, finding my braw clasps and undoing them. "I'm all for the now baby." He mumbled out as we went to the back room. 

Kissing hard and sloppily as we tried to get each others clothes off, we fell onto the couch, him on me. I started laughing, while still kissing, I was stuck in my shirt. "Help me." I said trying to get it off. He assisted, laughing as well. "Even while being clumsy, you're still sexier than I remember." I winked at him before pulling him back down, it had been far too long. 

"That was amazing." I sighed, dragging my fingers across his chest after we had finally finished. "No, it was incredible. You are incredible. Where did you learn to do half those things?" I blushed even thinking about it. "College." His hands felt so nice playing with my hair. "Ooh, like one of those fantasy porns?" I smacked him lightly. "No, better." I winked, playing with him. "No, I just got into a lot of partying in college, drinking, not studying. You know, the usual." He nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I get it. I kinda got into that, but had to keep going to get here." I thought back to college, why I was there and felt a little guilty. "I wish I had stuck with it, I'd probably be doing what I wanted to do right now." 

That was true and thinking about it sucked, knowing how far I could of gone and knowing I did not get close at all. "Well, sometimes the world works in funny ways. I'm sure something will come along." I chuckled at the hint of hope, but I didn't believe it. "I wish I could believe that. I'll get somewhere, but where I don't know yet." I started to feel tired, eyes heavy, but I needed to get home. 

"I need to be getting home." I say this as I make no effort to get up. "Just stay a little longer, it feels good to be here." I smiled. "Okay, just a little longer." I yawned and continued to drag my fingers around his beautiful chest.

'Oh god, where am I?' I asked myself as I started to wake. This was definitely not my bed. Did I even make it home last night? As my eyes opened the first things I noticed were one, the sunlight bleeding in, two, the familiar back of the coffee shop and three, the naked Julian I was sleeping on.

"Oh my God, oh my God." I started to freak as I finally put things together. I stood up, running hands through my hair, trying to find my phone. 'What time is it?'. Finding my phone, I looked at the time. 

"Oh God, six am!" I started to shake Julian. Geez he must be a heavy sleeper, because it took a lot to wake him. "Mmm, what.." He started to roll over, but I grabbed him and shook him again. "Julian wake up or we are going to be screwed!" 

His eyes shot open and he immediately stood up, only to fall back on the couch. I let him sort things out for a minute as I started to put clothes on. "Oh that's right." He said, coming to terms. "You knew we fell asleep?" I asked, stopping when I got my braw on. "I did. You feel asleep first." I wanted to scream at this man. "Why didn't you wake me up then?" I yelled, jumping into my jeans. "Well, you fell asleep after we talked and I just didn't want to wake you, I thought I'd wake up earlier, but I guess not." 

I threw his pants and shirt at him. "Well whatever the case, you need to leave! I'm probably going to get my ass chewed out for this, let's not add on to it okay?" He threw everything on and grabbed his things. "Hey Sam." He said as he started to leave out the back door. "Yeah Julian?" I asked, trying to shoo him out. "Here's my number, you know so we can communicate on meeting up in ways that may not get you in trouble." I nodded and smiled. "Thanks." We exchanged a kiss and he was on his way. 

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