Chapter 29

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Thank you all for being so excited and supportive of the story so far! It means a lot! And now back to the story! ;) Enjoy!

"We have been out here for barely three hours Julian, can you just enjoy yourself? What happened to party Jules?" Rob punched me lightly in the shoulder, well, what he thought was lightly.

"He left when I found an amazing girl. And I know I said 12, but I'm kind of anxious to get back home."

Danny and Rob both shot me a face of curiosity, eyebrows raised.

"Why do you think he's anxious Danny?" Rob asked, looking down at Danny.

"Maybe it's cause he knows when he gets home, that something is waiting for him." They both started to laugh amongst themselves and I crossed my arms.

"You would too if you had a girl to go home too as smokin' as mine." 

Danny suddenly was very serious. "Hey, Talor is sexy as all hell." I laughed lightly.

"Okay what about Rob's girl, oh that's right, nonexistent." Rob was still all smiles. "Nu uh, I have girls, plural. Wherever I go I attract the chicks like a heat lamp." Me and Danny both started to bust up.

"What does that even mean?" Danny asked between his laughing and gasping for air.

"I don't know, it just sounded cool." Rob joined in on the laughing with us.

"Man, I can't wait till some girl comes to try and tame you Rob." He rolled his eyes.

"Tame me? Gronk? Yeah okay." I wondered if he was always going to be like this.

"Okay look, we are reaching the next club, try and enjoy this one huh? At least get a drink." I sighed as we got out of the car and took a look at the bright neon lights and the huge line at the door.

"Yeah yeah, okay."

We started our way in, trying to ignore the constant screaming and yells.

"Julian! Julian! I love you Julian!"

"Rob! Gronk!"

"Danny! Amendola!" 

Me and Danny both ignored the calls, but Rob, as always, stopped to take pictures. No doubt one of these girls was going home with him tonight.

I didn't want to get too buzzed tonight, end up doing something out of my element and regretting it immensely later. Media was always out to find you at your worst, especially if you're in a relationship and it's public like mine and Sam's. 

I looked down at my phone for the first time in a while.

10:30 pm.

Ugh, still an hour and a half till I could get home with these two at my side.

I took a beer at the bar with Danny and watched Rob dance it up on the floor, that man was a monster at everything he did. I think if he could possibly spike anything and everything legally, he would.

"You ready to get started with training soon?" Danny said casually, taking a sip from his water. Someone had to be the designated driver tonight and since Danny chimed in last, it was him this time. Rob was never the driver, I don't think he would ever be able to hold himself to that promise.

"Of course. I just twitch waiting to get back to getting hit and catching balls."

Danny practically spat his water out and started to laugh.

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