Chapter 30

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That was the sound the door made as I unlocked it and entered the apartment I thought me and Sam called home, yet as I entered, I felt as if I was entering war. 

It was dark, there were items of furniture, such as the couch pillows and chair, completely in disarray. A struggle had gone on here, a very big one. 

I had to be wary, I knew Adam was in here somewhere, but all I cared about what finding Sam and making sure she was okay.

I walked quietly, but quickly to our bedroom and found the door closed. I was scared, no petrified, to what I was going to find beyond it and as I laid my hand on the knob, I felt shaking. I finally opened the door.

A man, taller than me was sitting on the end of the bed and then there was Sam, her body not moving, her body, with barely anything on but a braw and pair of lace panties. That must of been Adam.

"So nice of you to finally come." He stood up and it was not apparent how big the size difference was, but I couldn't give a shit less. I was already furious and seeing Sam like this, not knowing what was wrong with her or what had happened, oh man, outraged. 

"What did you do to her?!" I yelled, starting to inch closer. He smiled and laughed.

"Nothing really. Knocked her out, gave her some things to 'calm' her down and thought I might take a peak under the clothes. I only got one look one time, I just wanted to see it again." His hand feel to her body, tracing the outline of thigh to her stomach and that's when I lost her.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I charged at him, slamming him against the wall and the impact caused some frames to fall off the wall. My adrenaline kicked in and I threw him to the ground, pinning him as hard as I could with my hands around his neck, wanting to strangle the life out of him then and there.

"If you did ANYTHING to her, I swear to God I will kill you! I will kill you right here, right now!" He started to laugh again. What the hell was wrong with this man?

"Don't worry, I haven't done anything. Yet."

He completely turned the struggle around and threw me to the ground, pinning me in turn. I couldn't deny he was taller and maybe even stronger. I hated having a close look at the psychotic man that was Adam. He looked tired, yet hyper all at the same time. The look of someone who has not slept in days and it living off the high of a lot of caffeine or possibly drugs.

"I can't wait to kill you so you are no longer in this picture. Finally, we can be together." I was not going to let that happen, to let him take her anywhere. 

I kneed him in the stomach, causing enough of a release, that I could struggle out of his grip before grabbing him again and punching him square in the face. He bounced back as if there had been no effect and in return, hit me with the meanest right hook I've ever felt. It landed me back to the floor and it was blurry to see for a few moments and hard to get my bearings.

'Danny, Rob, where the hell are you'

It wasn't that I wasn't strong or willing, its just that Adam was living off something that wasn't illegal, I could tell and he had no fear of anything, making him especially dangerous.

I don't care though. I'm doing anything to save Sam, even if that meant, myself.

"Oh come on, you can do a little better than that! Give me a fight at least!"

Adam grabbed my arms, hoisting me up before throwing me out into the hall, body slamming me into this wall and like the other one, frames came falling down. The sound of glass was largely evident in the apartment and the glass had flung everywhere. 

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