Chapter 20

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"Matt I'm heading out!" I yelled, grabbing my keys. He ran out, looking worried. "Don't be gone forever and not text me okay?" I laughed, hugging him. "Yes guardian." I let go and started back out. "Hey Sam?" I turned to look at him. "I know there's a guy." I laughed, starting to rebuttal. "Matt, I do-" "Look Sam, you're my sister, I know when you're lying okay? But you don't have to tell me okay, just, be safe." I knew trying to lie would do no good now, so I smiled and nodded. "Will do bro. Go ace that test okay?" He nodded back. "I plan on it." 

Today I was going to go to Julian's again, we needed to hash some things out if we were going to be something. 

I hopped in my car and started to drive, when I hit a red light. I hummed along to the song on the radio, it was Honey I'm Good, my favorite song at the moment. I looked around, just observing, when I noticed someone behind me, someone I knew I knew. I looked a little closer and stopped humming. 

Oh God, oh no. Adam.

Where the hell did he come from? Oh no this wasn't good. I didn't want to lead him back to Julians, I didn't want to lead him anywhere, what the hell was I going to do?

The light turned green and I had to make a decision now. I started to drive and when I came to the turns where I would usually go left, I went right. I started to change lanes, trying to shake him. After about ten minutes, I didn't see his car. 'Please, don't show up out of nowhere.' 

I finally reached Julian's and ran in quick, hoping Adam was still lost out there. I knocked on Julians door furiously. 

"Hey, hey what's going on?" He asked as I walked in after he finally answered. "Adam, that's what's going on. He was following me." His eyes widened and he took my hands. "What happened?" He asked, worried. "He was following me after I left my brothers. I think I shook him, but it scared me Julian. It's like he's stalking me or something!" He shook his head as we sat down. "He is and it's serious. We need to go to the cops Sam." I sighed. "I don't know if we should Julian, that might just anger him more." 

I didn't know what to do about Adam, what was I supposed to do. 

"I don't want to think about that right now though, I just want to be with you." He smiled and kissed me softly. "Well, all I ever want to do is be with you." I chuckled, he was such a ladies man. "I do too. But I gotta know Julian, what are we going to do?" I asked. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I mean, we never told anyone about our 'situation' and you told your friends about us, but how are we going to be together without the media finding out?" He looked out his window, thinking no doubt. We didn't have to deal with this problem earlier, but now, we are going to have to.

"I mean, let's just go out and when the media notices, they will notice." I looked at him like he's crazy. "Are you sure? I don't want your image to go down, because you're not with someone the same status as you." He smiled, giving me that classic smirk. "I don't care what anyone thinks, because I'm the one in love with you." Oh how I loved this man. "Okay, then how about we go get some smoothies then for our first outing?" His face lit up. "Man, I really scored finding a woman didn't I?" 

There was no doubt as we walked into that Jamba Juice, that people were watching us, whispering among themselves. "Don't even pay attention, babe." The girl at the register looked at us with shock. I'm not sure if it was, because it was Julian Edelman, or because of me.

"Hey Nance, I just my regular."

Yep, it's because of me.

"Um, I'll get the Strawberry Wild." She took our orders and I looked around at all the staring eyes, I even saw phones. We stood aside waiting. "Julian, they are taking pictures of us." He smiled and winked. "Good." 

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