Chapter 15

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It's been about two weeks, since the incident with Adam and since, he has tried to contact me around ten times after. Every time I ignore it, whether that be a call or a text, I've even avoided work, calling in to talk to Daren about it. At some point, I will need to figure something out on what to do.

Julian has been in contact with me everyday, making sure everything was going good and such. Because we were just friends at the moment, the possibility of meeting the guys could come true and because I'm such a Patriots fan, that would be AMAZING. I mean meeting THE Tom Brady, now that would just blow my world.

It's around two in the afternoon and while at this time I would usually be at work, I am at the moment out for a run. I hate to be lazy and I hate just watching the television all day, makes me feel guilty just thinking about it. 

My phone buzzed, so I decided to stop by a park and sit on a nearby bench, while I answered whoever it was.


"Hey, it's Julian!" I smiled immediately, we had become so close over the last few weeks, it was great being his friend.

"Hey what's up! Aren't you out doing something with the boys or something like that?" I asked, curious of his plans. 

"Usually yeah, but I'm just out running errands, but I do have something I'd like to ask you."

I sat straight, waiting. 

"How would you like to come over my place tonight and meet the guys?"

I think my heart stopped, yeah it definitely stopped.

"W-what are you kidding with me? Because if you are, this isn't funny."

"I'm not kidding, not even a little. All the guys I know you care to meet will be there. Gronk, 'Dola... and." 

He stopped, who was the last guy? Oh please say Tom. 

"And of course, me." I frowned, even though I know he couldn't see it. 

"Oh, that sounds great." Maybe a little disappointment came through the tone. 

"Oh did I mention good ol' Tommy Boy will be there?"

I started to scream. I know the whole park was thinking I was crazy. Some girl in yoga pants is dancing around like there are ants in her pants, but I didn't give a shit at the moment, I was going to meet Tom Brady!

"Oh my god yess!!  I will be there!" I finally settled down enough to look agreeable in public, but I was doing backflips in my mind.

"Okay, I'll send you my address and be there by 6."

I got up and started to walk away. It was two now, so I needed some time to get ready. I wasn't going to not look decent in front of these guys.

"Sounds like a plan, meet you there!"

I hung up and started my run home.

Almost home and I see a man, he looks really familiar. The bad thing about running, you don't realize who you are looking at until it is too late and you can't back out of it. 

'Oh my god, it's Adam'

I stop dead, but I know he sees me. He waves his hand and smiles, walking a little faster towards me, but I start to freak out inside. 

'Do I act casual? Do I run away? Do I tell him off?' What the fuck am I supposed to do?

While thinking of what to do, he was already here. 

'Well I guess that was just made up for me, act casual, but not too casual.' Wait, what does that even mean?

"I was hoping I would run into you. I really want to talk to you Sam." 

I nodded nicely, saying a polite hello back to him. 

"I don't really want to talk Adam, but it was good to see you."

I started to walk past him, when I felt it, his hand grab my wrist. Maybe it's an unintentional grab, most likely it is, but it did not settle well for me.

"Please Sam, just hear me."

I turned around and thinking of my own safety, I listened.

"I should of not gone off on you, that night like I did. I was just shocked with the news I had gotten. I love you Sam and you need to know, that."

Gullible Sam, who I usually was, would accept that and jump back into the inferno, but I wanted to stand strong. He didn't make me feel well and if my instincts tell me something, I'm going to try and listen. 

"Look I appreciate the apology, I do, but I don't want to get back together. You may love me, but I don't love you Adam."

The silence was strong, awkward even, as people walked around us, having to watch the spectacle of two people looking at each other, but none talking.

"I think if you gave me the chance to make you love me you w-"

"You can't make me love you Adam, that's not how it works."

Tired of this conversation, I started to walk away again, only to be met by his grip, again, but only harder and stronger and much more frightening.

"Well, it's going to have to work. You either give me another chance or I get you fired." 

My eyes widened, mouth dropped, would he do that? 

"Are you fucking serious Adam?! Are you that fucking desperate to be with me you want to get me fired? You are crazy!" 

I started to pull away, trying to, but he only pulled me closer. 

"Don't you call me crazy! You're the one who doesn't love me!" 

As I started to struggle more, people started to catch on. They started to stop and watch. At what point should they intervene is what I'm sure they all thought. Finally one man stepped in. 

"Hey man, let her go." He put his arms between us, but it only angered him.

"This is between me and her, you fuck off." 

The stranger started to go harder at it, pulling me away as he pushed Adam. 

"You don't treat a lady like that, I don't care if you know her!" 

They shoved Adam away, but as he started to give in and walk away, he looked back at me, crazy in his eyes. What had I gotten myself into. I had almost forgotten about the man, until he came up to me, looking very concerned. "Are you okay miss?" 

I smiled at him, shaking his hand. 

"Yeah, yeah I am. Thank you so much." 

He nodded and gave me a quick home. "Go straight home and rest, don't stay out here unless he decides he needs to be more aggressive okay? Next time I see something happen like that, the cops are getting called." 

I nodded and hugged him again, thank God for kind people in the world.

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