Chapter 11

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Just so you guys know, the pic, that's my reference of what Adam looks like. Enjoy. :)

The sunlight peering into my bedroom finally awoke me as I came to. Instantly, I could feel what had gone on last night.

"Oh Jesus, what the hell.." I moaned as I rolled over, looking at the clock.

10 am, I guess that's not too bad.

On top of the clock was a note.

'Hey Sam, I left, obviously, but I left some pancakes on the counter when you get up. I was hungry so I made them, sorry about that. Heh. Anyways, see you later, thank you for the amazing night, as always. ;)"

Last night we went pretty hard at it, I can remember that. Not only that, I feel it all over. The stress from my work has been getting to me and well, I take it out on him. Thank goodness he doesn't mind.

I finally slouched out of bed and munched on the 'cakes he made earlier. They were a little cold, since being made at 6 am I can only assume, since he leaves at the worst hours it seems. I didn't mind, I scarfed them down anyways.

I grabbed my phone, quickly sending out a text.

"Thanks for the 'cakes, they were bomb!" I texted out. Not soon after, a response came.

"Awesome! I was hoping they would come out good, the first burned, smh." I smiled at his little abbreviations.

Before I could text back, I received another text, this one with a photo of him in a car it seemed with someone else and... is that what I think it is? He shaved his beard finally!

"Thought you would enjoy to see this." I quickly replied.

"Holy yes I am excited to see this! You know what this means right? A little less of a mess ;)" 
"Well, that is the huge benefit from this and since we won, I thought, why the hell not. Anyways, tomorrow?"

"Sounds good, see you then."

Julian and I were becoming pretty good friends, always texting through the day, but we, of course, only saw each other at night.

I enjoy being around him, when I can, but I know well, that this is a strict benefits situation, sometimes I have to constantly remind myself that.

I finally dragged myself into work, I would have the closing shift again this week and as always, Adam would be there.

Adam and I were getting along fine, but me and Daren, not so much. I argued with him more than the sun shines it seems.

I found Adam kind of cute, so it made for an easier situation to work in.

"You ready for closing?" He said, smiling to me as I walked on. "Am I ever ready for closing?" He chuckled and continued on his order, he had a pretty cute little chuckle.

As the night nears its end, Joe of course is still here. I decided tonight to join him for his last coffee. Now that I have someone to close with, I can spend time with people, that I usually cannot.

"How are you Joe?" I asked. His wrinkled face told of many life experiences and it showed on him. "It's going good. I keep waking up in the morning, so as far as I see it, everyday is Saturday for me." I smiled wide, this old man was such a cutie.

"How about you darling? Any boys yet?" Boys in general, well yes, Julian. But boys as in relationship, heh, of course not. "Not yet Joe, not yet."

He set his coffee down and stared to stare right at me.

"What?" I asked confused, looking at myself to make sure nothing was on me. "Sometimes you have to push a little to get somewhere."

Still confused, I kept my stare till he continued.

"Look at that boy there. Handsome, hard working, why not him?" I looked over at oblivious Adam cleaning the tables on the other side of the room. "I mean, I work with him." Joe chuckled lightly. "So? This is not a permanent job, why not try for anything? He's a good boy."

I led my stare over to Adam. Adam was tall, brunette hair, hazel eyes, sculpted face, his body was practically perfect in many aspects. I never really looked at him, that way, until Joe just now pointed it out.

"Be careful getting home Joe." I locked the doors and started to help with the cleaning. "So Adam, any cute girls come your way yet?" My curiosity started to get the better of me.

"Not really, not any I can pursue at least." I wondered what that meant, but I stopped there.

"Yeah, I have no luck yet either. Soon maybe huh?" I joked, continuing my work.

"Really, no boys after you yet?" I laughed, well yeah, but that is something I can't disclose with you.

"Nah, not many take interest in me."

'Except you know, Super Bowl winning football players'

"I can't see how that's possible, you have so much to offer!" I looked up at Adam, smiling at the very nice compliment. "I mean, you're beautiful and smart!"

I blushed and looked away, was I letting this boy get to me?

"Well, thank you Adam." I tried to continue wiping tables, but my thoughts were getting to me. 
"I mean, I would ask you out if I didn't work here." I shot up to meet his gaze.

"R-really?" He walked a little closer to me. "I mean, yeah. You're like everything in one Sam."

I inched closer to him, smiling the whole way.

"Well, I mean, Daren doesn't have any rules to dating coworkers." I whispered looking up to him.

"Really now?" He asked, almost like it wasn't even a question.

"Yep. He's never had a rule on it."

I could see him thinking on it and I started to walk away when I could feel his hand grab mine.

"Tomorrow night, take you to a movie?" I turned around.

"That sounds great."

I threw my stuff down in my tiny apartment as I made my way to find my bed. Looking at my phone for the first time in hours, I could see texts from Julian.
"Tomorrow around 10?"

Shit. Julian.

I completely forgot about him.

"I guess I could always reschedule with Julian." I talked to myself as I paced the room. I grabbed my phone and texted Julian back.

"Some things came up for yesterday. Can we do it the day after?"

A few minutes later, my phone binged.

"Sure. What came up?"

What would I say?

"I'll tell you later, right now I'm just going to bed. Night."

Hopefully, that would buy me some time to tell him, for now, all I wanted to worry about was what I was going to wear tomorrow.

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