When I was six I was kidnapped and taken away from my family for seven months. Thirteen years later and I have little to no memory of who had taken me. Ever since then my father has been severely ov...
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|Chapter 5 | A Friend
I LOOK DOWN at her small body curled into my side.
She's fucking adorable.
Our little angel.
Her tiny hands clutch onto my shirt and her little body rises up and down with every breath she takes.
Even though it is the last thing I want, I slowly remove her tiny body from mine and tuck her in. I place a kiss on her forehead and she stirs slightly.
I have no idea what intrigued us about this girl, but all I know is that the moment I set my eyes on her all I wanted to do was hold and protect her. When she cried out for her family and the pain in her head last night, I instantly felt the urge to hold her.
Forcing myself to move away from the bed I quietly walk across the room before shutting the door quietly in an attempt not to wake her yet. I don't bother locking the door seeing as we purposely put her in the room at the end of the hall so she would have to walk by our office in order to get down the stairs, or anywhere for that matter.
Poor girl has to be exhausted.
My shoes click as I walk across the floor.
We're currently at one of our properties in Italy. It's an Italian styled villa and while I don't completely hate it, I would like to be back at our manor in Russia.
We came here to put our plans into motion with the Greens but seeing as that fell through we need to come up with the next step.
I arrive at our office and don't bother knocking.
Opening the door, I hear Hayden's thick accent as he rips some guy a new asshole over the phone.
"Исправь это или это твоя чертова голова. Вы понимаете?" He doesn't shout but his voice leaves no room for negotiation. Shouting was never his thing. He's more of the calm and collected one out of the both of us, and somehow that's just as terrifying to other people. (Fix it or it's your fucking head. You understand?)