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As Taehyung approached the gate, the hinges squeaked in protest, echoing his own inner turmoil

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As Taehyung approached the gate, the hinges squeaked in protest, echoing his own inner turmoil. The sudden clatter of glass shattering jolted him out of his thoughts. A photo frame lay at his feet, its contents scattered among the jagged shards.

Taehyung's heart sank as he recognized it as his photo, the edges now frayed and dirty from being thrown out with such disdain. His family stood huddled inside the house, his sisters' tear-stained faces, His mother's hand hovered over her mouth, her eyes red and puffy from crying. His father stood firmly in the doorway, his eyes cold and unyielding.

"You don't belong to this family anymore. Leave." The finality in his dad's tone was like a sledgehammer to Taehyung's soul.

His heart sting as he took in the sight of his mother's desperate look and his sisters' sad eyes. He knew they didn't agree with their father's harshness, but their powerlessness was as palpable.

Taehyung took a deep breath and stepped closer to the house. "Dad, please," he choked out, his voice cracking with emotion. "How long can I keep pretending? The bullying, the pain... I couldn't tolerate it anymore. I'm your son, and I need your love and support."

His father's face remained stony. "You're not my son from the moment you threw away your future for some fleeting infatuation. You have responsibilities, a family to think about."

Tears threatened to fall from Taehyung's eyes, "I couldn't take it anymore, Dad. Every day at college is hell. They make fun of me, they hurt me."

His father's expression softened slightly, but the resolve in his eyes didn't waver. "If you had just held on for two more months, Tae, you would have graduated. You would have found a nice job. But now, because of this... this choice you've made, you threw everything away."

Taehyung felt his knees buckle under the weight of his father's words. "Is being happy not part of my future? Is loving someone not a part of my life? Can't you see that I'm hurting?"

His father's gaze was unrelenting. "If you can't sacrifice your love for your family, then you're not the man I raised you to be."

Taehyung's eyes searched his father's, looking for any sign of the love and understanding, "What about me, Dad? What about what I want?"

His father's face contorted with anger. "What you want? You're bringing shame to this family with your disgusting behavior. You think your desires come before our honour? That boy is more important to you than your family, right? Go to him, don't come here. " He yelled and slammed the door shut. Taehyung could hear the faint voice of his mother and sisters begging his father to let him in.

Taehyung turned away, the shards of glass crunching under his shoes like the shattered remnants of his relationship with his father.

Taehyung made his way to the bus stop, his chest tightening. He sat on the bench, watching the world go by, feeling more alone than he ever had. Taehyung sat there devastated, a car pulled up in front of him, the sound of the engine shattering the silence. A man got out of the car, It was Ji-Seok.

Ji-Seok stood in front of Taehyung, a hand on his shoulder, offering him a way out of his misery. "Taehyung, we were also like you," he said, his voice soft yet filled with a steely determination. "We somehow got tangled with the underworld, we didn't actually want to become mafia. Common people fight with each other mentally, but we fight physically. Fighting physically is better than fighting mentally."

Taehyung didn't react. But the older man continued, his words cutting through the fog of Taehyung's despair. "All the other doors are closed, Taehyung. This is the only door welcoming you now. Join us."

Taehyung thought for a moment, He didn't have anything else to lose anyway, so he made a decision that would change the course of his life.

"Alright," he murmured, the words leaving his lips with the solemnity of a vow, "But only under one condition-I form my own gang. And we do things my way. I promise to be your ally to repay for your help."

Ji-seok raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Your way? And what way is that, young man?" Taehyung straightened, his voice firm. "We won't deal in rapes and human trafficking. That's non-negotiable."

Ji-seok's smirk faded, his gaze assessing. He contemplated Taehyung's demand, the silence stretching taut between them like a bowstring ready to snap. Finally, he nodded. "Fine. You have your own principles, I respect that. But remember, in this world, power comes with a price. You'll have to make sacrifices, even if it means turning a blind eye to the sins of others."

With a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of the world, Taehyung nodded in understanding. He knew he couldn't change the entire system, but he could control his own actions within it. "I understand."

And so, Taehyung's gang was born, They didn't engage in heinous crimes like rape and human trafficking. It didn't take long for Taehyung to establish himself as Seoul's biggest mafia boss, his name whispered in hushed tones by those who dared to speak of him. He led his gang strictly, earning the respect of his allies and the fear of his enemies.

* Present *

"Even after everything, Taehyung's obsession grew stronger, his love for Jimin never wavering despite the betrayal. Love is a stubborn beast, refusing to be tamed by logic or reason. Jimin started this game, which changed both of their lives. Now he's stuck in that game, unable to find a way to get away from Taehyung. Like a spider caught in it's own web." Jin concluded, finishing the story.

Hoseok and Jungkook was completely shocked, "I had no idea V was a nerd." Jungkook said.

"Yeah, he was a real nerd back then." Jin said, smiling a little at the memory when everything was fine.

Hoseok leaned in, "Jimin pretended to love Taehyung to take revenge for his brother's and mother's death but Taehyung was threatened by Doyoon. It's really hard to decide who was wrong."

Jin nodded, "Both of them were wrong, Both of their situation was complicated. Anyone else would be furious if they get betrayed like that by their boyfriend but Taehyung, bless his heart, he knew it's hard to handle the pain of losing someone close to you and he understood the desperation that could drive a person to extreme lengths."

As all three made their way towards the main door, just when Jungkook and Hoseok were going to bid goodbye, a man reached the door at the same time. Jin recognized him as one of Taehyung's men.

The man handed Jin a note, "Boss asked you to send master Jimin to this address tomorrow at 6pm." With that, he turned and walked away.

Jungkook turned to Jin, confusion written all over his face. "Why does he want Jimin to go there?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Jin let out a sigh, "It's a date," he explained. "Taehyung is trying to relive those moments when Jimin pretended to love him and when they used to go on dates. This is his way of trying to spend some time with Jimin."

A/n : Past / flashbacks are over. Story is gonna continue from the chapter where Taehyung escaped with yoongi.

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