R.I.P it or SHIP it (part 4)

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I am truly evil. I should be sent to the Evil Baby Orphanage. My brain is evil and but be stopped. It thought up something so evil that I have been full of feels ever since!! I don't even know if I should publish it! What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments. And now....


Leo Valdez and Calypso

Heroes of Olympus

suggested by divergentkatniss


I love Leo soo much!! If you have read any other jokes in this book you will know that. Anyone who says "I try not to think. It interferes with being nuts." is fine with me. And I also love Calypso. I am happy for them. (But if she hurt my baby, bitch is dead!)


Hanna Marin and Caleb Rivers

Pretty Little Liars

suggested by GeekChic913


I cannot explain how amazing these two are. They are beautiful. OTP forever and always.


Ezra Fitz and Aria Montgomery

Pretty Little Liars

suggested by GeekChic913


I am so confuzzled about these two. I kinda like them, but I also think that she could do better. He is too old for her, and they just don't have the same magic as Spoby and Haleb. On the other hand they've been throughout so much. I'm gonna go with ship, but if they split up I wouldn't bee too upset.


Cho Chang and Dudley Dursley

Harry Potter

suggested by KJN_is_Awesome


A definite ship. I think these two would be perfect. And let's face it. JKR agrees. I think constantly mentioning the Chudley Cannons is her way of making Chudley cannon.


Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy

Harry Potter

suggested by KJN_is_Awesome


No. I'm sorry, but I don't see it. I get the whole hate=sexual tension stuff, but I just don't see Drarry as a thing. I love Drarry as a BroTP, but not OTP.

And that's the end of R.I.P. it or SHIP it. I hope you liked it. I might do another one at some point if you guys want, but for now that's it. Thank you to everyone who suggested ships, and thank you to all of you who read it. Don;t forget to comment about the evil-brain-headcannon thing!

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