Chapter 192

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My love is more real than the country (one hundred and ninety-two).

The noise in the city tower attracted Qin Shu. Qin Shu, who was tall and thick-waisted, stood on the city tower with a broadsword in his hand and said, "You thieves, are you deceiving me that there is no one in Wanzhou?" ? !"

Qin Shu's armor was dripping with blood, and there were still wet stains on his sword, which showed that this man had just come off the battlefield.

"Where is the Queen?" Yan Sui took out the imperial order from his arms. It was given to him by Zhou Min to facilitate his entry and exit when he was in the dossier incident.

When Qin Shu saw the emperor's order, he immediately half-knelt down to pay homage. The soldiers who followed Qin Shu, who were covered in blood and numb, were stunned for a short time, and then cheered and shouted.

Even the soldiers on the tower who had just been bewildered by the beauty cried with joy. That kind of happiness was the joy of seeing hope, believing what they said before, and the hope they brought!

The letter sent by Rong Qingyu! Bring back hope! Bring back hope!

The arrival of Yan Sui was like a source of fresh blood injected into this lifeless Wanzhou, making the dying Wanzhou suddenly come alive.

"You are finally here, you are finally here... I thought, I thought I couldn't wait... Wuwuwuwu... Why did you come... Your Majesty... Your Majesty... "At the end of the story, the 200-pound fat man burst into tears and sat on the ground crying.

"Where is your majesty... Where is your majesty?" Yan Sui stepped forward and picked her up. She was so frightened that she blinked and even forgot to cry.

"I' the city lord's palace." Qin Shu was frightened by the evil aura on Yan Sui's body and stuttered.

"Still leading the way!" Yan Sui threw the person to the ground, which made Qin Shu tremble. Looking at Yan Sui and thinking of His Majesty's situation, Qin Shu immediately led Yan Sui and others to the city lord's mansion.

During the Hulugu battle, Zhou Min was seriously injured by Mu Yu. In addition, the various battles in these three months had added to her injuries. The kick to her heart shocked her heart! In fact, she couldn't hold on any longer.

During this period of time, the injuries came back and forth, and the last little wind chill became the straw that broke the camel's back.

It's so frustrating!

Zhou Min was lying on the bed, dazed, and her whole body ached badly, but she still had to wait! She actually didn't know what she was waiting for, but she just wanted to wait...

Yan Sui had never felt that the white color was so dazzling, so cold, and so panicking. He was so cold that his whole body was trembling, and his hands and feet were so panicked. Everyone was in chaos...

Pushing the door open, looking up, white gauze curtains fluttered. Her white dress fell to the ground and she was lying there quietly. Her black hair and red lips set off her face, which was surprisingly white and miserable...

Yan Sui He didn't know how he walked over. When he realized what he was doing, he was already kneeling beside her bed, gently holding her hand, and nervously tested her heartbeat. When he found that she was still alive, Yan Sui Suddenly he buried his face in Zhou Min's palm and cried.

He was panicking along the way, and when he heard her heartbeat, he suddenly felt the world's greatest kindness to him.

If all the pain in the first half of life is to retain the only kindness in this life, then please stay with me! Zhou Min...

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