part one - Taylor

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December 13th

"5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.." My friends chanted as the clock struck midnight and i blew out my candles

My 25th birthday. And im not married. I dont even have a boyfriend. Well, not anymore.

"Happy birthday girl!" Abigail said enthusiastically

"Thanks abs." I said

"You ok?" she smiled

"Yeah, yeah im fine, just a little tired" I reassured her

"Sure. Lets get you a drink." Abigail told me, yanking me towards the bar

"She'll have a champagne." Abigail told the bartender. And I thanked him as he handed it over.

Sipping on my champagne, I looked around the crowded bar, trying to locate Travis. He was my best friend of 15 years now. My best friend that id soon have to marry. We had made a pact when we were 17, that if we weren't married by 25, then we'd marry each other.

"Taylor! Happy birthday!" I heard someone say behind me, wrapping their arms around me. That could only be one person.

"Hi Travis, where were you all night?" I asked

"Missed me that much, huh?" He said and we both laughed.

"So, you're 25 now, feel old yet?" He asked

"Ive been 25 for.. 11 minutes, Travis." I said, checking the time.

We talked for a while, catching up since we hadn't seen each other in a little bit. And as time passed, I started to think. Did he really take our stupid little pinky promise seriously? Would I really have to marry my best friend?

"So You married yet?" Travis asked, braking the silence

Shit. I was starting to think he forgot about it.

"Yes, I am secretly married and nobody knows about it." I said, obviously joking

It wasn't like I didnt want to marry Travis, I just never thought about him like that.

"Well how is this going to go now?" He said

"What do you mean, Trav?" I asked, pretending to be confused. I knew exactly what he meant.

"You know, our pact?" He reminded me

"Oh yeah, that."

"Do you not want to marry me?"

"No Travis! I would love to marry you, I- I just- This is just kind of.." I said, unable to find the right words.

"Yeah. Well um I.. never mind."



"Travis, you know you can tell me anything."

"Okay but pinky promise not to get mad."

"What did you do." I asked, hooking my pinky finger with his.

"Do you promise not to get mad, Taylor?"

"Sure, okay. Now spit it out Travis!"

"Okay, okay. So basically.. I- My family um.. They think that were, you know." He explained, gesturing something with his hands

"No, I dont know. Just say it!"

"My family think that were dating!" He spat out


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