part four - Travis

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Hi guys, a few notes before the story!

Im sorry for not posting for a while, school started for me and as much as I love coming up with these, writing is a side hobby. Second thing is that this part is now the longest part of the story (so far) with exactly 1500 words!!
I also forgot to mention that this story does in fact contain smut so if you're not into that then I recommend you find something else to read, thank yewwww


Taylor and I drove to her apartment after the park – per her request. She had told me that she wanted to take this whole thing slow, which I would respect but secretly in my mind I was waiting for the day that I could call her mine.

"So what do you want to do? Anything in mind?" She asked right as I pulled up to the apartment

"Whatever you want to do." I replied

"You cant just say that every time I ask you something!" She rose her voice playfully and we both laughed

"I mean we could watch a movie? But I probably won't last long" Taylor admitted

Taylor wasn't really a stay-out-super-late kind of person, so for her to still be awake at 2:00 am is a record.

"I think you should just go to bed, T. You're tired." I advised

"No! I want to watch the new rom-com that just came out!" She whined. As much as I loved Taylor, damn, she could be so stubborn.

"If you insist" I said in a fun tone, getting out of the car

When we got inside, Taylor went to take a shower. Meanwhile I raided her fridge for ingredients, to make a quick snack. Taylor would protest about me making her something but I knew she'd be hungry. I put together a PB&J sandwich. It had always been her favorite late-night snack.

A little while later, Taylor came out of her bedroom, dressed in an oversized t-shirt and some shorts – Im assuming. She was tying her hair up into a high ponytail as she gave me a little smile. Plopping down onto the couch, she picked up the remote and started fiddling with it, pointing it at the TV. Taylor noticed me as I emerged from the kitchen, placing the sandwich into her hands, and a glass of water onto the coffee table.

"What's this?" She frowned at me

"Eat it." I told her and she shot me a look

"Travis, you know you don't have to make me anythi-"

"I know, but I wanted to." I cut her off "Now eat it."

Taylor rolled her eyes, but started nibbling on her food happily shorty after.

"This the shitty rom-com you wanted to watch?" I teased

"You're shitty" She mumbled and smacked my arm

As Taylor slowly ate her sandwich, I could sense her struggling to stay awake. I knew better than to tell her to go to bed, so I kept my mouth shut. But as the movie went on I could tell Taylor grew more and more tired.

"Taylor." I nudged her gently

"Hm?" She hummed, rubbing her eyes

"Go to bed. You were literally sleeping."

"No, I want to finish the movie."

"It's been finished baby" My mouth dropped open in shock and embarrassment at what i'd just said. Had I really just called her 'baby'? Taylor's eyes widened as she looked at me, confused.

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