part six - Travis

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My heart ached as I drove away from Taylor's apartment. I felt so bad to leave her all alone. I was way too distracted on the drive to my house but I couldn't stop thinking about my beautiful girlfriend. Girlfriend. I still can't believe I could call her that. After years and years of crushing on her.

I pulled into the driveway and went inside of my house. Then my phone buzzed. Taylor had texted me and I immediately opened it, worried that something might have happened. I clicked on the notification and smiled to myself after it had loaded. It was a picture of three different sundresses laid out on a bed.

"which one do you like the most?"
Taylor's message read

I took another look at the dresses, carefully analyzing the three. One was a short, pink floral patterned dress, the next was a lilac colored dress with a frilly skirt, and the last one was a slightly off-white spaghetti strap dress, with a low cut neckline.

"It's winter, T. You cant wear a dress."
I responded to her

"I can do whatever I want, thank you very much Kelce"

"You'll get sick"

"That's not your problem, is it?"


"No, but it is my priority and duty now to keep you healthy."

"Im sorry, doctor, but I don't really care.
So thanks for your concern, but I can take care of my self."

"Is that right?"

"Most certainly is"

"Okay then, do whatever you want, go out in a sundress in the middle of winter. But please call me if you get cold or sick, okay angel?"

"Travis I wont get sick!"

"Right. I need to do some work, text me if you need anything beauty"

"okayyyy byee"

Putting my phone into my pocket, I waltzed into my kitchen and getting a glass of water before bringing it to my office and setting it down on the table. I sat down and opened my laptop, intending to get some work done.

After a while, I picked up my phone as I waited for a file to upload. I scrolled through instagram mindlessly for a few minutes before my phone ringed.

"Hi girlie" I answered

"Hey" Taylor sniffled

"You ok? whats up"

"Nothing, I just wanted to call you."

"You're sick." I stated

"I am not!" Taylor insisted

"Where are you?"

"Home, why?"

"Do not move, Im coming for you angel"

"That sounded like a threat!" Taylor giggled "Anyway, mind stopping at the store on the way?"

"Of course, what do you need?"

"Uhm.. Some tea and cough drops..?"

"Not sick huh?"

"Maybe I just love tea"

"Kay, I'll be 20 minutes"

"So long, Kelce"

"Goodbye, T"

Short chapter but I wanted to get something out for you guys since I've been just a little busy and inactive

I swear Im trying to write as much as I can!!

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