part three - Taylor

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Travis looked at me, confused but somehow adoringly.

"Let's leave" He almost demanded

"Excuse me?" I asked

"Sorry, Do you want to leave with me" He apologized

"We cant yet, Travis. This is my birthday party."

"We can, Taylor, We need to talk."

We did need to talk, about what is going to happen.

Eight years ago, When Travis asked me to form a pact, I never thought that Id actually marry him. At the time I had a Boyfriend, and he was the love of my life. But seven months ago, he broke up with me, saying we wouldn't work out anymore. I later found out he had been cheating on me for the last 3 years of our relationship. Id fallen into a deep, dark pit of depression, and Travis helped me through it all. Stuck with me when I lashed out at him, cried in his lap and ignored him for days. He was so good to me. Husband material, almost.

"Okay, let me just say bye to a couple people." I gave in and he nodded

Saying my goodbyes to my friends, I left the bar and located Travis' car. He was leaning on the hood of the car giving me a faint smile, that he couldnt seem to hide. I went to open the passenger side door, but Travis stopped me.

"You dont open any doors when a real man is with you." He murmured close to my ear

Placing his hand on the small of my back, he guided me inside the car, closing the door after. I settled in to the seat and i felt the blood rushing into my cheeks. Why was i blushing? I had never had any romantic feelings for this man before. He had opened the car door for me, and all of a sudden I was head over heels for him. Was I falling for Travis?

"So where are we going?" I asked when he got into the car, trying to hide my blush.

"Wherever you want to go, T" he replied

The nickname gave me sudden butterflies, but why? Travis had always had his nicknames for me. He had always called me T. It shouldn't have come as a surprise.

"How about.. hmm" I said, thinking

"The park. The one with the pond."

"Sounds perfect" He smiled

The drive to the park was mostly silent, with ghe occasional question. I started thinking through what I was going to say and what could potentially happen. I was scared to say the least.

Travis parked on the side of the road, next to the park. He gave me a look before shutting the car door so I didnt bother trying to get out.

"Thank you." I said to him as he helped me out of the car.

We walked around the park for a long time, just talking about life. To be honest I was kind of avoiding what we should really talk about, but i'd let him start that conversation.

"so.." Travis started

"What are we going to do now?" He continued after a pause

"Well we cant just get married out of nowhere." I said

"Yeah, i guess." He replied, and i could feel his sad expression.

"I didnt mean that as in We'll get never married Travis, I just think we should take it slow, you know?"

"No, i totally understand"

"kay, well I don't really.. dont take this the wrong way but, I don't really want to be your girlfriend right now.."

"We'll take it slow if thats what you want, Tay."

"Thanks." I smiled

"But I do think we should get more comfortable with each other, so one day I can be your partner and get married to you." I told Travis

He just nodded, looking down at me, with his hands on my shoulders. God, he was so tall. I looked into his eyes, just standing there. Slowly, Travis slipped his hands down my back and my sides, stroking, before resting his hands right above my waist. I lifted my arms, cupping his face. We stood there, in the middle of the park for a while, moonlight beaming on us.

"You're cold." Travis stated, watching me shiver

"Maybe" I admitted

"Come home with me." He pleaded

"Travis I cant, my cats"

"Ill come with you, whatever you want."

"Come home with me." I said, before he pulled me into a tight hug.

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