Another Author's Note

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Well, here we are! What a journey...I can't believe we've reached the end of Eli and Lo's story, can you?

It breaks my heart to leave them, but for now, at least, this is it. If you're wondering whether this story was meant to end as it did from the very beginning--yes.

First of all, this is a story of false dreams for me. Of hatred that never leads to happy endings, and wars, which always prove only one thing--there are no winners at wars.

And, this is a story of forgiveness and love, which saves the world. Of true love that survives no matter what.

During the entire narrative we've been watching Eli's soul change and evolve. He had a violent dream of destroying his shaman world at first--and he did. But he wishes for violence no more in the end, though he also can't stop what has been started. It's too late.

Careful what you wish for, right?

Loretto's goal was revenge--and fae achieved it by making faer sworn enemy Montejo the exact same thing Montejo's people have been persecuting for centuries--a shaman. Eli the shaman. Isn't it worse than death? A long life awaiting ahead, a life full of broken hearts and lost dreams. A life, where you realize that nothing you believed in was true, and everything you fought for was in vain. Loretto also wins, in a way, but this victory leaves faer alone. Heartbroken, because out of faer revenge, fae had to destroy the one fae fell in love with.

Are Eli and Lo happy with their achievements? Were those truly their dreams in the end?

Those are the questions they need to figure out now.

They can either enjoy their 'victories' and break up, or--they can put their differences aside, leave the past behind, and accept their love for each other. Accept each other for who they are and...change the world, I guess? After all, Eli's dad Umar said that an eye for an eye doesn't make the world just--it makes the world blind. Maybe he was right? Maybe, Eli and Lo can prove it and--choose love over revenge.

Who knows...The choice is also yours. How will their story ultimately end?

I'd choose love.

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