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"You're telling me that Miss Mary threatened you? Poor old Miss Mary?"

Seungkwan rolled his eyes at his smirking friend, god he was so not in the mood for his shit today. "Chan, I didn't say she threatened me. More like 'I'll kick you out if you don't pay'. But yes, yes she did."

Chan laughed at him before he took a sip of his latte, barely holding the liquid down as he grinned. "I mean dude what did you expect? You've been late on rent more times than I've fucked my ex, and I've fucked my ex a lot."

Seungkwan groaned, "I wasn't late! Just not on time."

Chan's brow rose to his forehead as he gave Seungkwan his 'you're a dumbass' look. "That's called being late dumbass, look it up in a dictionary. And look up new apartments while you're at it because there's no way she'll let you stay."

"Wow aren't you a ray of fucking sunshine."

Chan shrugged his shoulders before he finished the last bit of his coffee, checking his watch with a grunt. He stood up and looked at Seungkwan once more," We didn't become friends so we could lie to each other Kwan. I think it would be smart to find a new place, or at least a better job."

Seungkwan sighed before he settled his head between his hands. "I know, you're right. I just need... time."

Chan patted his shoulder with a hum of agreement, "The whole world wants that Kwannie, sadly only the rich are rewarded with it. People like us have to work for it, and speaking of work I gotta run." Seungkwan waved his friend bye as he left, moving to look down at his own watch. He needed to go to the club soon anyways, no matter how much he wanted to avoid it. Being groped by creepy old men for a shitty pay wasn't exactly Seungkwan's favorite thing to do on a Friday night but he had no choice, not if he wanted to keep his apartment. He finished his americano off quickly before he rushed out, throwing the cup into a nearby trash can as he jogged home. One of his favorite parts of his apartment was the coffee shop he lived by, it was close to him and Chan so it soon became their hangout spot. He was glad he had a friend like Chan, because good friends don't come by as often these days. Or good parents for that matter, but he learned that years ago.

He made it to his apartment in record time, rushing through his door and into his room. He was panting by the time he arrived in front of his closet, moving racks of clothing over till his eyes landed on his uniform. Although he hated his job he had to admit the uniform was cute, a nice satin vest paired with satin pants. It left quite little to the imagination, or at least Seungkwan's uniform did. Maybe the owner sized his down on purpose to fit his curves tightly, which would make him a creepy perv, and that seemed pretty accurate. But he was in no place to complain about it, not unless he wanted to be out searching for jobs the next day. Squeezing into the outfit became as much of a routine as ignoring the grumbling that echoed from his stomach, although he preferred doing one more than the other. By the time he was dressed with light makeup covering his 'imperfections' as his boss called them, it was a half an hour before his shift. He took a good look in the mirror to admire his appearance, his body was on the slimmer side now but he always kept his curves. At least he knew no matter how much he starved he still looked fuckable, really reassuring. He sighed as he moved to unlock his front door, exiting the building with a pace that was more run than jog. He needed to be quick if he wanted to catch the bus on time, which he always had to chase down, but that was if he was lucky. And luck didn't seem to be on his side today when he approached the bus stop to see the end of his train. He groaned before sitting down harshly on the metal bench, at least he had time to rest before his shift. Although he knew he was in for some shit when he got to work, especially after he saw the time on his phone. His shift normally started around 6:30pm and ended at about 1:30am if it wasn't busy, which was total amazing for him and his non existent sleep schedule. He wouldn't be complaining if he didn't have to go to his college classes at fucking 7:30am. He remembers when naive Seungkwan worked for the first time with such enthusiasm only to have it squashed when he rushed to class sleep deprived, if only he had quit sooner and found a better job, than maybe he wouldn't be hating his existence. But alas, past Seungkwan was just as naive and ambitious as present Seungkwan was, only difference is that his grandma is dead. At least he had someone to feed him back then and not his barely working microwave.

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