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Vernon had a big smile on his face the moment he woke up.

He didn't know why. Well he did know why, but he didn't know it could be possible. He was in love, so fucking deep in love that it hurt.

Seungkwan occupied every minute of his day, from the millions of texts he sent the boy to the minutes he craved to spend with him, he was drowning in the thought of Seungkwan. And he had a feeling the boy was starting to feel the same way. There were moments where Seungkwan would drift off to sleep in his arms, or times where he caught the boy staring just a second longer. He wanted the boy to admit his love for him him, but you can't rush love, Vernon knew that. So he held himself back, deciding that until Seungkwan admits his love for him he was just going to sit back and enjoy the time he spent with him. Although things were getting a little complicated, well more like his father was being a total asshole. He knew his dad had been watching him closely, he wasn't dumb enough to ignore the black car that followed him everywhere he went. He heard from Seungkwan that he felt like he was being watched, and he just didn't have the heart to tell him he probably was. It was like his dad wanted to consume every piece of joy in his life till he was left empty and rotting. He may have been okay with that before but not anymore, no he was more concerned with Seungkwan than his miserable father.

Vernon was typing away on his computer when soft knocks sounded on his office door, the wooden frame slowly opening to reveal his mother. He smiled at her softly as she entered, his mother was definetly one of his weaknesses. She was the definition of beautifully aged, from her black hair littered with gray highlights to her almost wrinkles pale skin, she was quite beautiful. After all, Vernon had to get his good looks from somewhere. And he never wanted to claim it was from his father.

"Hi mom." His mother walked to stand above his desk, crossing her thin arms over her chest as she stood.

"Why are you still here? I thought it was your day off today?" Vernon clicked his tongue with a nod. It would have been, if his father didn't assign him a bunch of extra work for no reason.

"Dad assigned more work." His mother watched him for a moment before she leaned over his desk, closing his computer with her manicured hands. He looked up confused but she simply shook her head with a happy smile.

"It's the company dinner tonight, you deserve a break before you have to deal with those men." Vernon wanted to argue but she held her hand up to silence him, "Nope, I don't want to hear it. If your father has any complaints tell him to come straight to me."

He couldn't help but smile at his mother. He loved her dearly, except for the fact that she married his father. That part he could never understand.

"Alright mom."

She smiled with her teeth and leaned across his desk once more to pinch his cheeks, earning a groan from an embarrassed Vernon. She simply shrugged him off as she pulled back, walking out of his office door hastily. Vernon sighed when he looked down at his desk, his work load would only grow if he didn't start now. But something told him to just fuck it, he wanted his father to suck it. And he also wanted to see Seungkwan, he checked his watch and nodded at the time. Seungkwan would be getting out of class by now and he wanted to see him. He sat up and grabbed his coat, pulling it on while he made his way through his office and out of the building.


Vernon stood outside of Seungkwan's school, checking his watch every minute anxiously. He leaned against his BWM (a slightly less flashy car in his opinion) as he waited for the male. He was nervous to ask Seungkwan to dinner tonight. It felt like he was asking him on a date and that thought freaked him out. He didn't do dates, whether he didn't have the time for them or he didn't care to attend, he just never bother. But the thought of going on a date with Seungkwan sent a grin to his face, he could get use to going on dates.

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