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"I'll protect you."

Seungkwan tossed in his bed once more as those words rang inside his head. He didn't understand how the man found him and he definetly didn't understand what he wanted from him. Protect him? What does he need protection from, the old lady who wants to evict him? Who was this handsome stranger to tell him he was going to be his guardian angel. What a load of bullshit.

Seungkwan couldn't lie about the way his heart sped up at those words, he had been wanting to hear them from someone all his life. He just didn't expect it to be from a handsome stranger he met in a bathroom. Seungkwan rolled over once more before he settled his head against his pillow, huffing out a big puff of air as he did. He shouldn't be wasting his beauty sleep thinking about empty promises, no matter how handsome the man is.

Seungkwan shot awake at the sound of his alarm, his body instantly tensing from the annoying ring that occupied his ears. Fuck he needed to change that alarm, but a quick look at his alarm clock told him he had more things to worry about. His eyes went wide as he read the time displayed, his body immediately flying out of his bed to get dressed. Just how the fuck did he sleep through his loud ass clock four times?! He never slept in, not even when he barely got two hours. Yet he somehow slept in and now has to make his class in 30 minutes? He didn't have anyone to blame beside the handsome stranger.

Seungkwan rushed around his room before his eyes landed on a pile of semi-clean clothes, quickly moving to grab a shirt from the pile. He then searched through his drawers for a pair of mom jeans that he wore too many times. He made his way to his bathroom, splashing his face with water and brushing his teeth. He looked in the mirror at his reflection, his brown hair only made his ghostly skin appear duller while his brown eyes looked sunken and tired against his sharp cheekbones. Why would a handsome man bother protecting someone like him? He shook the thought out of his head as he grabbed his chapstick and left the room, immediately running to grab his bag from the front hook. He slipped into his vans and grabbed his keys before he dashed out of his front door, barely managing to lock it behind him. He didn't remember the last time he had to run this fast, the only time coming to his mind was his high school gym class. But even then he wasn't running like he was now, although then he didn't have a care in the world. It was just him and his grandma, when life seemed like it was actually going to be okay. But of course all good things have to come to an end, Seungkwan knew that better than anyone.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" Seungkwan let out a  string of curses as he ran, desperately trying to get to his class in time. By the time he arrived at his college he was red and panting, struggling to breathe with each step he made. He didn't stop to breathe though, he couldn't afford to. He just hoped he didn't faint before he got to class, that wouldn't be ideal. He saw the familiar building of his business class and smiled, fucking finally! He noticed the familiar faces of some of his classmates making their way into the room, a relived sound leaving his throat while he watched them. He tried to collect himself with his last few steps until he finally arrived in the room, walking into the class with five minutes to spare. He settled down in his favorite seat at the back by the big window. He loved the soft light that shinned through the glass, the shinning glow calming his racing mind. For some people school was hell and a waste of time, but Seungkwan always found joy in learning. He loved the distraction it brought, he loved to challenge his brain until it hurt. He was grateful that he was good at school, or else he may have had to be a stripper. His grandma always told him he was gifted, which was the only reason he didn't quit college once she passed away, almost like quitting would dishonor his grandmas memory. Although he kind of regretted staying when he looked at his school bills, being a stripper would have been cheaper.

"And that concludes our lesson, I hope you do your assignments and do them well. The last thing I need to read is a long paragraph on some topic that relates to absolute nothing I teach. I'm serious Thomas, no more Star Wars essays, you're in college not middle school." Students broke out in laughter at his professors joke, even Seungkwan let out a giggle of his own. This, this was what he enjoyed about college. He loved how normal it made him feel, it made him feel like he was just a regular college student and not a club waitress who let old men grab his ass for cash.

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