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Vernon was pissed, no he wasn't just pissed, he was livid. He told Seungkwan he was going to protect him and what happened? Seungkwan got hurt. Vernon's jaw clenched and unclenched as he carried the small body of Seungkwan up to his penthouse, holding the boy tightly between his arms. He couldn't stand the man being away from him any longer. Vernon looked down at the boy with a frown; Seungkwan laid unmoving in his arms, his snow like skin a shade lighter and his brown hair sticky from his own sweat. Vernon still couldn't help but admire how beautiful the boy was, how his Cupids bow delicately puffed out when he breathed. How his perfect shaped cheekbones looked so kissable, how his soft neck begged Vernon to mark it. He pulled his eyes up with a hiss, fuck this was not a good idea. He didn't want to pounce on the boy after he just got attacked, it wasn't a good look on him. But having him curled in his arms was making it very hard to hold back, especially when the boy clinged onto him in his sleep, almost like he was afraid Vernon was going to let him go. He wanted to laugh at that, there was no way he was going to let go of Seungkwan, not now and not ever. He had a hard time of letting things he wanted go, he was a business man after all. A very good one.

"Good evening sir." The woman at the front desk bowed as he walked through the door, shooting a confused glance at Seungkwan momentarily before meeting his eyes once more with a smile. He was glad she didn't ask questions, but why would she, she wasn't paid to. He made his way to the private elevator that lead right into his penthouse, clicking the button to open the door. He held Seungkwan tightly as the elevator moved till he finally arrived at his house. Vernon immediately walked towards his bedroom before shutting the door behind him. He moved to settle Seungkwan into his king bed, making sure the boy was tucked in until he backed away satisfied.   He then paced towards the chair that rested in the corner of his room, letting his body slump against the cushion with a groan. He let his eyes close as the exhaustion he felt finally took over, evening out his breathing until he passed out.

The sound of a bed creaking awoke Vernon, his eyes immediately landing on his empty bed. He felt his body grow stiff when a step was heard behind him, the sound of soft breathing accompanying the movement he heard. He knew Seungkwan was behind him, he also knew the boy was holding something in his hand. He felt a shiver of anticipation and realization make its way through his body. Seriously? He saves the kid and his first instinct is to hurt him?

"You can drop whatever you're holding Seungkwan, I'm not going to hurt you."
Vernon heard the boy suck in a breath and smiled. "Be a good boy now, I don't want to punish you." Seungkwan moved to stand in-front of Vernon with a displeased look.

"Who are you to talk to me like that?" Vernon shook his head at the boys question, he thought he made that obvious.

"I'm not talking to you like anything Seungkwan, I'm just trying to have a normal conversation with you. And I would prefer not to get stabbed." Seungkwan rolled his eyes at Vernon but dropped the pen he held in his hand. Vernon sighed deeply before he rubbed his eyes. "Now, can we have a normal conversation? Or are you going to try and stab me again?"

Seungkwan paused for a moment, "Depends on what you are going to say."

Vernon clenched his jaw, god this boy was a brat. And damn did that turn him on. "You're in my penthouse, I brought you here after you were attacked."

Seungkwan's eyes wondered around Vernon's room as he nodded approvingly. "So you're a stick up rich ceo, could have guessed."

"And you're a naive college student, your point being?"

Seungkwan stuck his tongue out at Vernon while he moved over to Vernon's bed, flopping his body against the soft mattress. "What do you mean I was attacked?" Seungkwan spoke in a whisper, almost like he was asking himself the question.

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