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What the actual fuck did he just do? Seungkwan couldn't believe himself, how the fuck could he be so stupid? Not only did he willingly stay in a strange man's home but he let the man eat him out.

"𝑊𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛'𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑘𝑤𝑎𝑛,𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒."

He shivered lightly. He needed to forget about the man, he just needs shit to be normal again. His life was already shit enough, and having a handsome sugar daddy wasn't on the top of his list, or even on it for that matter. Seungkwan remembers the ride back to his apartment, how Vernon's hand rested on his thigh the whole ride there, and how he let it be. He fucking let his hand rest on his thigh. God Seungkwan, why do you make your life so much harder than it already is?!

Seungkwan groaned out loud, moving to rest his head on the desk he sat in. He forgot he was in class until sounds of light laughter filled the room  followed by small voices shushing the laughs. His eyes widened when they met his professors narrowed ones, "Is there something wrong Seungkwan?"

Seungkwan couldn't shake his head faster, "N-no sir! Absolutely not, please continue your amazing lecture!" Laughter filled the room once more before the sound of his professor slapping his hand on the table silenced them.

"Enough! Seungkwan, don't interrupt me again." He nodded solemnly as his professor began talking once more, trying hard to ignore the eyes and fingers that pointed at him. Fuck his life.
He tried to pay attention to the lecture and avoid pissing his professor off even more, but his thoughts kept running back to the look of Vernon knelt before him. He never had someone kneel before him and declare that they would worship him, hell he's never even had someone eat his ass. There were a lot of firsts happening with Vernon and Seungkwan wasn't sure how to feel about it. He wasn't the type to just fuck around but he never bothered committing either, so how the hell did Vernon manage to make him want to do both? Yeah he was handsome, and tall, and rich, very very rich. But that was all he knew about him, and the fact that he had a shitty dad. And that he liked Seungkwan. That part was very obvious.

But he still didn't understand how the man expected him to just say ' fuck yeah let's date' when he hardly knew him. Well, he did say he would give him time to decide... but why? No matter what he thought up it never made sense why he was chosen by the older male. Maybe it was fates fucked up way of toying with him once more, giving him another reason to end his life. Or maybe it was a reason to start living it. He didn't like the last thought that popped into his mind, because hope wasn't something he's had in a long time, and he knew that the last person he should have hope for is Vernon. The sound of his classmates gathering their stuff signaled the end of class, halting Seungkwan's mental dilemma. His crisis will have to wait for when he got home.


Seungkwan wanted to be anywhere but here, he wanted to be away from the flashing lights and loud voices echoing around the tight room. He wanted to run from the touchy guests and the annoyed waiters. He wanted to be anywhere but the devils bar, especially now that his eyes landed on Vernon's tall figure leaning against the bar. Seungkwan would have brushed off his presence as nothing more than a coincidence, if not for the man's eyes watching him intently for the past three hours. He had been at the same spot with the same drink for three hours, barely talking to anyone as he watched Seungkwan work. It was starting to get on Seungkwan's nerves, I mean how could he just show up to his work and watch him? He wasn't his boyfriend.

He decided it was enough and huffed in a deep breath before he began pushing past tight bodies, barely managing to squirm through them. Seungkwan was almost to the man when he glared, his body going rigid at the scene before him. A tall man leaned against the bar beside Vernon, his arm was draped over Vernon's shoulder and grabbing onto his dark suit. The scene looked very intimate, it felt like Seungkwan was watching just another couple get touchy. The thought made him clench his fists into his palm, digging his nails into his soft flesh. The nerve Vernon had, to come and stalk him at his work and then flirt with another man in front of him? Was he just toying with him? Seungkwan wasn't going to tolerate it, no he was going to punish the man. A bitter smile spread across his lips while he stepped through the crowd once more, moving much slower than the first time. But he knew Vernon saw him, he noticed the man stiffen before he shifted away from the thin man. It was too late though, Seungkwan already saw. He moved his hips tauntingly when he walked, making sure Vernon's eyes were on him and him alone. And they were, god those eyes burned into him deeply. If he wasn't pissed at Vernon he would have pounced on him. The thin man turned to follow Vernon's eyes and landed on Seungkwan, his own eyes narrowing at the approaching man. Seungkwan kept up his smile, even though he wanted to childishly stick his tongue out at the man.

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