A hurricane raged through the fairytale world, people were urged to stay in doors as green and purple lightening struck the ground destroying foundations. This was no ordinary hurricane but one caused by a powerful yet old dark magic.
Horace suspected Camilla was to blame and sent a note with the kingdoms strongest Dove to Americana. If there was any hope for both worlds it rested in Emlyns hands.
Emlyn had been enjoying a month or so of pure peace in Americana. She questioned the silence every second but she was grateful nonetheless. She settled into her couch with a cup of hot chocolate but right before the cup touched her lips a Dove burst through the window shattering it.
The Dove was severely injured and twitching, "Mystic!" Emlyn shouted and the unicorn turned human on this world came into the room. She healed the bird who flew around as if nothing had happened. The Dove dropped an envelope at Emlyns feet stamped with Horraces royal crest.
Emlyn picked it up and opened it reading the note before letting out a long sigh. "Mystic get the others, we have to go back to the fairytale world."
Mystic left the room and Emlyn looked at the Dove, "maybe it's better you stay here for now." The bird tweeted at her and then flew over and nestled itself into a blanket on her couch.
Emlyn met the others at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty while they all waited patiently for her to tell them what was happening. "Horrace sent me a note, Camilla has set off a hurricane with some old dark magic, it could destroy the fairytale world so we have to go back and stop it."
The others nodded then followed Emlyn up the Statue of Liberty and to the tiles where the portal was. Emlyn pulled a tile from her bag and inserted it activating the portal. The portal then exploded knocking them all across the room. The hurricane creeped its way into Americana and began its destruction.
Emlyn and The Storytellers fought through the fog, lightning, and rain into the fairytale world. Though upon entering the destroyed portal the other side wasn't much better.
It appeared that Camilla wasn't done just yet.

Hurricane (The Badlands Series) Book 5
FantasyCamilla returns with a vengeance once again. She sets off an insane Hurricane that travels between the Fairytale world and Americana. Both worlds begin to collide into each other and Emlyn and The Storytellers must stop it before it's too late. What...