Chapter Nine: Robin Hood

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Emlyn and Pandora where given two horses and they rode off to Sherwood Forest. "We have to be careful here Robin Hood and his Merry Men might jump us." Emlyn said, as they say on the edge of the forest.

"I'd like to see them try." Pandora replied, then galloped into the forest and Emlyn rode after her.

"Pandora wait!" She called after her but it was to late. Pandora's horse came to a sudden hault and flung her off. A net swooped up from the ground trapping Pandora.

Emlyn rode up close to her and hopped off her horse, only to be surrounded by the Merry Men. Robin Hood swung down from the trees and landed in front of her.

"Who are you?" He asked, as he had never seen her before in his life, or so he thought.

"I'm Emlyn," her eyes strayed up to Pandora still trapped in the net, "that's Pandora."

"Emlyn... where have I hear that name?" He asked tapping his chin.

One of his men pulled Emlyns crown from her bag and then flung it in front of him and it rolled across the ground. "That's because she's Queen Emlyn." He said, and Robin Hood picked up the crown and inspected it.

"Real gold and sapphires, you know this could feed probably 100 hungry people." Robin Hood mused.

"Take it then, it's not like it'll help me stop Camilla." Emlyn said, she didn't care if he took it the crown meant nothing if she failed.

"What will help you stop her?" Robin Hood asked.

"I need a feather from one of your arrows, that's why we are here." She replied, and he nodded, then he handed her crown back.

"Tell you what I'll give you a feather and you can keep that if you help me take on the King and save this forest, and Locksley." Robin Hood said and Emlyn looked confused.

"What Kind exactly?" She asked, and he sighed.

"Prince John got in contact with a powerful sorceress who cursed my men and I to the forest, then he took the throne. We take him out and we give the gold to the poor and save everyone." He explained, and Emlyn began to wonder how twisted had all of these tales really become.

"I'll help you, but if your stuck in the forest-" She started to say but he cut her off.

"If the king falls the curse falls, you just got to take his fancy crown off his head." Robin Hood said with a sneer.

"Alright, well if you wouldn't mind freeing my friend we'll save Sherwood and Locksley!" Emlyn said, she couldn't believe she was taking down her second corrupted king today.

The merry men freed Pandora and gave them back their things and horses. "Good luck." Robin Hood said then gave her horse a smack on its hind quarters and they headed for Locksley.


"How exactly are we taking on this king?" Pandora asked, and Emlyn smirked.

She pulled her crown on her head, "we'll just go in if Robin knows who I am based on this thing I'm sure he will to, he just doesn't know I'm not on his side." Emlyn said, she was certain the king only cared for royalty and the rich, therefore her status alone would guarantee her entrance.

They rode through the town and up to the gates of the castle. Emlyn tossed her hair and made sure her crown reflected and sparkled in the sunlight,"we're here to see King John," she said.

"Of course go right ahead." The guard said and ushered them through. They rode up to the door and left their horses outside.

"Ok I'll talk to him and you steal his crown." Emlyn said, and Pandora crossed her arms glaring.

"What makes you think I'm better fitted for stealing it?" Pandora asked, and Emlyn shrugged.

"Well my options are you steal it or I convince one of the horses to steal it. So I guess since you actually have thumbs you make more sense." Emlyn said, and Pandora burst into laughter.

"You are the greatest person I've ever met, alright let's go." Pandora said through her laughs as they entered the castle.

King John sat upon a gold throne that looked like he took gold coins and glued them together to make it. Emlyn was right, he only saw money and status. Perhaps this is why he didn't even notice Pandora sneaking away. He stood up when they entered and looked her over.

"Queen Emlyn, what brings you to this side of the world?" He asked, he was suspicious but also unbothered.

"Camilla has cast a hurricane curse that is only growing stronger, I'm traveling around to as many kingdoms as I can to encourage everyone to stay inside shelters. If you have boats and ships I recommend you prepare them." Emlyn said, and the King nodded.

"Very well we appreciate you stopping by will that be all?" He asked, and Emlyn watched Pandora snatch his crown right off his head.

"No there's one more thing," Pandora pranced across the room with the crown and handed it to Emlyn, "I hearby dethrone you as King." She said, and as she finished her sentence she could hear the sound of horse hooves against the ground.

It sounded like thunder as Robin Hood and his Merry Men flew through the castle gates and straight through the door. They raised the castle and threw John in the dungeon. They took his crown from Emlyn and then they rode out of the castle with it and all the money and valuable items.

They passed them out to the people and brought joy to everyone around them. Robin Hood came over to Emlyn while everyone rejoiced and he gave her a feather from one of his arrows. "Good luck stopping Camilla, I bid you farewell Queen Emlyn."

"Well that was fun, we should rest for the night before heading off again." Pandora suggested.

"I agree, let's find somewhere for the night and we'll continue tomorrow." Emlyn said, and got on their horses.

"Where are we headed next anyways?" Pandora asked, and Emlyn

"The Kingdom Of Gold And Red." She replied, and Pandora popped confused.

"What the hell is that?"

"I have no idea!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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