Chapter Three: Trapped

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"What do we do now?" Sarah asked, she hadn't been talkative much the last few days. Emlyn was worried about her but knew she liked to keep to herself.

Ginger pulled a torch downward that was attached to the wall, or functioned like a lever and the wall opened up. "We take this passage and hopefully we can maneuver our way out. Stick together and do not split up."

She led the way down the passageway but the lights cut out. Stella and Sarah screamed and Bob shouted, "who turned out the lines?"

The lights came back on and Emlyn and Ginger stood together, without the others. "What's happening?"

"Camilla knows we're here and she knows the longer we stay here, the longer we stay out of her way." Ginger replied looking up and down the passageway.

"What do we do now? Where could the others be?" Emlyn started to creep forward slowly but Ginger stopped her.

"Careful, there's traps everywhere in here. We will find the others, and then we will find a way out of this wretched place. I hate it here I really do." Ginger said, she pulled Emlyn by her arm leading her along the long hallways. Emlyn hoped they'd run into their friends eventually.


Stella and Sarah were in a dark room only illuminated by some moonlight coming through one of the tall windows. "It's so dark in here I can't see anything." Stella said feeling around trying to find anything that might help.

Sarah held up her hand forming a snowflake. She held it under the moonlight and created a snow light. The light from the snowflake was bright and cast glittering white rays around the room. "I didn't know you could do that?" Stella said, and Sarah smiled.

"I can do a lot more than you think I can." Sarah said her smile was playful.

"Are you doing okay Sarah?" Stella asked and Sarah looked confused.

"Why do you ask?" Sarah inquired, and Stella shrugged.

"You just seem quiet lately, I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright." Stella said, she herself knew Sarah was the quiet type.

"I'm pregnant." Sarah said, and Stella stopped dead in tracks and turned to face her.

"What? Does Bob know?" Stella asked in shock.

"No, and keep your voice down, I'd prefer to keep it that way." Sarah said quietly.

"Why? What's wrong?" Stella asked, and Sarah sighed.

"I don't want to keep it... I'm not sure how he would feel about that idea but I just don't want to have a kid." Sarah said, and Stella smiled gently.

"Bob's a good guy, he'll support you no matter what happens. Have faith in him, he won't let you down." Stella said, and Sarah smiled.

"Thanks, I needed to hear that. I know he'll support me." Sarah said, and the two continued down the long hallways hoping to find their finds.


Bob and Mystic stood at the front door waiting for their friends. Bob had someone maneuvered his way through the castle without an issue. "It's like you've been here before..." Mystic said, highly suspicious.

"Nah I just have strong intuition,"  he said smiling like he won the lottery.

"Sure you do." Mystic scoffed and rolled her eyes. She wasn't entirely sure how Sarah put up with him.

Emlyn and Ginger came out from underneath the stairs a few minutes later. "Oh good I'm so glad we found you two, any sight of Stella or Sarah?" Emlyn asked, and Bob and Mystic shook their heads in unison.

"No, hopefully they will pop up soon." Mystic replied, and Emlyn looked back behind her.

"Maybe we should go look for them..." She said trialing off.

"No, it's too dangerous to wander this castle, they will find the way out." Ginger said, and tried the front door. "The only issue is we still have to figure out how to open this damn door."

"Hey guys!" Stella said, as her and Sarah emerged from a wall.

"Thank heavens, this place is a maze." Sarah said and hugged Bob. "I need to talk to you." Sarah pulled Bob away from the others.

They turned their attention back to the front door. Mystic tried shooting a laser beam at it, Stella and Ginger both attempted to pick the lock, and Emlyn even tried to write the door open. However, it wasn't moving.

"How are we supposed to get this thing open?" Mystic said ramming her horn into it and getting stuck.

"Easy Mystic, you're going to hurt yourself more than you're going to hurt that door." Emlyn said, getting her unstuck from the door.

Stella pulled out the spell book with the curse in it and flipped through it. "What are you doing?" Ginger asked.

"I'm looking to see if there's a spell in here to unlock the damn door," she replied getting annoyed that nothing was working.

Emlyn peered over her shoulder and suddenly stopped her, "right here, look." She pointed to a spell that could be used to escape an enclosure.

"It says only a demon can cast it." Stella said, as her eyes strayed up to Ginger.

"What? Let me see that." She snatched the book and looked over the spell. She handed it to Emlyn and attempted to cast it.

However, much to everyone's dismay the door still did not open. Ginger attempted again, but nothing happened. "My demon magic isn't as good as it once was. It's been so long since I used it for anything except for a small thing here and there. This is a major spell and I won't be able to cast it without practicing for at least three days." She said with a sigh.

"Three days?? There's gotta be a faster way than that!" Emlyn said in a panic, they definitely didn't have three days to waste.

"Well, maybe if we could find my power enhancer, it's used in potions a lot so I'm sure Camilla has some. However, that means we have to go back in there." Ginger said, with a pissed off look on her face at the idea of venturing through this castle again.

"What's your power enhancer?" Emlyn asked sighing knowing they would definitely need to go find it.

"Owls blood."

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