3.02 Blood Hungry

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Everything was dark around me. I'm gagged and there appeared to be some sort of bag over my head. I tried to move but couldn't. Great. The bag over my head is pulled off by the bartender from earlier. Now I can see that Sam is bound to a chair too right behind me. Before I can say anything, the bartender hisses and bares his sharp pointed fangs that emerge from his gums and advances on me. As the vampire advances on me, a young woman appears in the doorway and orders him, Eli, to step back. Eli pulls back, his fangs retracting.
"Who the hell are you?" Sam asks.
"My name's Lenore. I'm not going to hurt you. We just need to talk." Lenore tells us. Sam scoffs. I'm assuming his view of monsters is pretty black and white at this point; he's John Winchester's son after all, and he's probably seen a lot of monstrous stuff in his life, same as me. But my views of monsters aren't as black and white due to every single one of my friends back in Beacon Hills being supernatural creatures.
"Talk? We might have a tough time paying attention to much besides Eli's teeth." Lenore gives us her word that Eli won't hurt us either, but Sam is unconvinced. "Your word? Oh yeah great, thanks. Listen lady, no offense, but you're not the first vampire I've met." Lenore tells us they're not like the others, they don't kill humans or drink their blood. Instead, they drink cattle blood, and Sam and I realize they're the ones responsible for all the dead cows. Lenore explains that they blend in more easily, no deaths so no reason for hunters to come after them.
"I believe you." I say to Lenore almost immediately. Her and Eli give me stunned expressions while Sam's is the most stunned of all.
"What?" Sam exclaims. "Are you absolutely crazy?"
"When you're a hunter, crazy is relative." I replied. Eli goes on to tell us his perspective and he is pissed. Conrad, another vampire, who apparently wasn't killing people, was stalked by Gordon Walker and ultimately had his head chopped off by Dean Winchester. Lenore says they brought Sam and I there to convince us, so that we wouldn't follow them, saying they have a right to live if they're not hurting anyone and to prove it, they let Sam and I go. The two vampires take us back to the motel, completely unharmed. When we get back, to our surprise we see Gordon chatting with Dean.
"Where have you two been?" Dean inquires.
"Can we talk to you alone?" Sam says.
"You mind chilling out for a couple of minutes?" Dean asks Gordon and he nods. The boys and I exit the motel room and walk into the parking lot. Sam and I tell Dean that we were with the vampires, in the nest. "You found it?!"
"They found us, man." Sam said.
"How'd you guys get out? How many did you both kill?" I tell him that they let us go and we're proof of that. I tell Dean that Sam and I don't think they're killing people and that we need to rethink this hunt, but Dean is more stuck on his black and white thinking more than ever after spending time with Gordon. "No guys, no way. I don't know why they let you both go. I don't really care. We find them, we waste them. If it's supernatural, we kill it, end of story. That's our job."
"No, Dean, that's not our job. Our job is hunting evil." Sam replied.
"And if these vampires aren't killing people, then they're not evil." I say. Dean refuses to listen to us, saying they're all the same, they're not human. He then makes the mistake of taking Gordon's word for it instead of ours, which pisses Sam and I off. Me even more so because Dean is starting to sound like Gerard.
"You're taking his word for it? Ellen says he's bad news."
"You guys called Ellen? And I'm supposed to listen to her? We barely know her at all, no thanks, I'll go with Gordon." Dean remarks. Sam points out that Gordon isn't exactly an old friend.
"You don't think I can see what this is? He's a substitute for dad, isn't he? A shitty one!" Dean turns away, saying he's not talking about this, but Sam and I are worried as hell and Sam keeps going. "You know, you slap on this big fake smile but Toralei and I can see right through it. Because we know how you feel, Dean. Dad's dead. And he left a hole and it hurts so bad you can't take it. But you can't just fill that hole with whoever you want to, it's an insult to his memory!" Dean says okay and starts to turn away, and then erupts in violence and I watch as he punches Sam in the face. Sam rubs his chin, but he refuses to take the bait and hit back.
"You hit your brother all you want, it won't change anything. And violence certainly won't bring your dad back either." I said.
"I'm going to that damn nest. You two don't want to tell me where it is, fine. I'll find it myself." Dean huffed. We watched as he stomped away like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Sam and I call out to him but it's too late. Dean was already gone and walking back towards the motel.

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