5.02 Simon Says

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Sam, hands on his head, starts to fall. I rush towards him with Dean following behind.
"Sam?!" I say. Dean and I catch him and lower him gently to the asphalt.
"Sam? What is it?" Dean asked.
"Look, I didn't do anything to him." Andy said as he kneeled down beside us.
Sam was breathing heavily as his eyes focused on Dean and I, "A woman. A woman burning alive."
"What else did you get?" I inquired.
"A gas station, a woman is gonna kill herself," Sam informed us.
"What does he mean going to? What is he, what is—"
"Shut up!" Dean snapped at him, not appreciating Andy's interruption. Sam doesn't know when but he knows the woman gets triggered by a call on her phone. He still thinks it's Andy doing it and that as long as we keep him in sight he can't call the woman and it won't happen. Dean and I help a shaken but determined Sam to his feet.
"I didn't hurt anybody!" Andy insisted again.
"Yeah, not yet," Sam shot back. Suddenly a fire engine roars past us, sirens blaring, and we all turn to watch it. The boys and I looked at each other and Sam nodded to Dean, "Go." Dean ran off to follow the sound of the siren. Andy tries to step past Sam, who stops him with a hand on his chest. "No, not you. You're staying here with us." He said. We stood still for a long moment until Sam's phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, "It's Dean," He tells me.
"You talk with him, I'll watch over Andy." I said.
Sam hesitated before nodding after a few seconds and then glanced at Andy, "Try anything with her, I'll shoot you." He threatened. Andy's eyes grew wide and he nodded before Sam walked away to answer Dean's call. I crossed my arms and turned back to Andy as he looked at me, shoving his hands into the pockets of his blue jeans.
"So, uh, how old are you really?" Andy asked, probably noticing how I obviously wasn't in my twenties like Sam and Dean were. I've always been babyfaced. My mom used to say I'll like it when I'm forty mistaken for twenty five but it's not much fun when you're fifteen and mistaken for thirteen.
"Old enough to know that it's incredibly insensitive to ask that to a woman." I responded. Andy cleared his throat awkwardly, realizing what he said.
"Right. Uh, I was just trying to make conversation. Anyways, how does a kid like you end up hunting demons, spirits, and whatnot?"
"It's a long story. But the short version is... it's a family thing."
"Wait, a family thing? So, you come from a family of–" I look over my shoulder to see Sam coming back with a frown.
"What's up, Sam?" I asked, uncrossing my arms.
Sam gave a small glare to Andy before looking at me with a sigh, "The woman is dead. It just happened so–"
"It can't be Andy," I cut him off softly.
Andy looked between us, "See? I told you I didn't kill anyone."
"Dean said he's gonna dig around. Find out who that woman was."
"Now, can you guys please tell me what's going on?" Andy inquired, looking between Sam and I. We sat down on an abandoned truck and Sam and I explained everything to Andy. Sam and I are relieved to believe that Andy isn't actually a killer. Sam then mentions that there's hope for both of them. I look up when I hear the purr of the Impala. It pulled up in front of us and we got up as Dean climbed out of the car and walked up to us.
"Victim's name was Holly Beckett, forty one, and single." He informed us.
I turned to Andy, "Who was she?"
"Never heard of her," Andy replied, shaking his head. Dean tells us he called Ash and learned that Holly Beckett gave birth when she was eighteen years old back in 1983 the same day Andy was born.
"Andy, were you adopted?" Sam asked as he turned to him.
"Well, yeah."
"You were? And you neglected to mention that?" Dean exasperated.
"Never really came up. I mean, I never knew my birth parents, and like you said my adopted mom died when I was a baby. Do you think this Holly woman could actually be my m–"
"I don't know." Dean says he tried to get a copy of the birth records, but they're in the county office and sealed.
Andy, whose power is mind control, brightens. "Well, fuck that."

At the records office, the boys and I go through boxes of files while Andy walks an elderly security guard to the door.
"Probably shouldn't have left you kids in here." The security guard spoke aloud.
"No, it will all be fine. Alright? Just go get a cup of coffee." Andy reassured and raised his hand, waving it slightly. "These aren't the 'droids you're looking for.'"
"Awesome," Dean grins. Then he placed a box on the table where Sam and I were sitting. We find out that the woman, Holly Beckett, who died was indeed Andy's birth mother and the man who got run over by a bus was her doctor, who also oversaw the adoption. We also discover that Andy has a twin brother. Andy's eyes suddenly grew wide and his jaw dropped in shock, not blinking.
"Andy?" I asked, waving my hand in front of his face but his expression remained unchanged. He leaned backwards, placing his hands behind his back as he continued to stare in shock. Dean went to stand by a nearby printer while Sam stood up, walking around with a file in hand. We all knew that Andy needed some time after finding out about his real mother and his twin brother.
"I have an evil twin," Andy spoke in disbelief.
"Holly put you and your brother up for adoption. And you went to the Gallagher family, obviously, and your brother went to the Weems family from upstate," Sam said.
"Andy, how are you doing? Still with us?" Dean remarked, trying to lighten up the mood slightly.
"What was my brother's name?"
"Here. Um, Ansen Weems," Sam replied and Andy shook his head, telling us he didn't know that name. "And he's got a local address."
"He lives here?"
"Let's get a look at him. Got his picture coming off the DMV right now." Dean said. I watched him pull some papers out of the printer and looked at them surprised as he walked back over to us. Sam and I looked over at the newly printed papers and I stared at them stunned as I saw the image of the man. It was the young waiter from the coffee shop that we met earlier, the one who said that Andy kicks ass. Weber.
"Hate to kick you while you're freaked. Take a look at that." Dean muttered and handed one of the papers to Andy. He glanced at it for a few seconds and looked even more shocked. He stares up at us with a dumbfounded expression before we all quickly grab our things and left the records office, heading towards the Impala.

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