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"Okay, so I guess we've got everything you need," Mila says, checking the list on your phone for the trip to the Hamptons with Jungkook. You had two weeks to buy everything, but of course, you waited until the last minute for some panic shopping.

"Are you sure? I'm leaving tomorrow and I don't want to forget anything." You take the phone from her hands and recheck the list. Looks like she's right; you already bought everything you needed: new bikinis, summer outfits, skincare products, sunscreen, and cherry-flavored lube, which made Mila pull a disgusted face. You never know—you might like the idea of pouring some on Jungkook's body and then licking it clean. Who knows? "Alright, I guess I'm done," you sigh, happy that it's over.

"Can we go eat now?" she asks, frustrated. You promised to eat together after shopping, and Mila agreed, but she never thought it would take this long.

"Yes, Mila, we can go now." You pinch her cheeks and intertwine your arm with hers as you walk down the street.

"I still can't believe you're going to the Hamptons with Jungkook," she says, looking down the street to cross. "I thought you said you were only having sex, and now you're taking trips with him."

"A trip where we're going to have a lot of sex," you grin. Mila's lips part slightly before she makes a disgusted face.

"How can you say that? You'll be staying at his grandma's house," she says, as if it were a sin to have sex there.

"Yes, but... wait, how do you know it's his grandma's house?" You never told her where you were staying.

"Ah... Jimin mentioned it." You frown. What the hell? How does Jimin know about the trip? Did Jungkook tell him? "It's not what you're thinking. I mentioned to Jimin that you were going to the Hamptons, and he told me he met Jungkook there. His parents own a house on the same street as Jungkook's grandma's."

You nod slowly, processing the information. "Wait a second, I thought they met when they became neighbors." This is a lot to take in.

"Nope, they met way back when they were both on vacation. Later, when Jungkook wanted to buy his own place, he visited where Jimin lived and decided to buy an apartment there."

Your eyes widen. You've been living in the same building as them for a while and didn't know this. "How do you know more than me?" She gives you an innocent smile.

"That's because Jimin is my boyfriend, and we talk about each other's lives, unlike you and Jungkook, who never talk about anything and only spend time having sex like bunnies." You smile, scrunching your nose—a habit you picked up from Jungkook.

"Yeah, and that proves we're not an actual couple, as I've been trying to tell you." She shakes her head, clearly disapproving, but you know she won't try to change your mind. "I tried once to talk about his friends, but he just said they're one of a kind. Every time I try to talk about his art, he changes the subject. So, I concluded that he doesn't want to talk; he just wants to have sex." Saying it out loud makes you feel bad. Are you really that boring, so he refuses to talk to you?

"I don't know; he doesn't seem like a talkative person. Actually, Jimin said he has never seen Jungkook's art and doesn't ask anymore because he knows the answer is always no." That surprises you. Jimin is his friend, and yet Jungkook refuses to show him his art too? What is he hiding from everyone? "But I'm not surprised you managed to be with him. You're just like him, keeping your business to yourself. God, if you ever decide to become an actual couple, I don't know how you're going to make it work. You're both so difficult and unsociable."

You laugh. She's right. Somehow, destiny put a guy just like you on your path, leading to this strange understanding and connection, and ended up together in whatever situation this is.

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