Chapter 11

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Louis POV

The weeks after mum's death were so hard for me. I just couldn't stop crying and I know the boys took it hard but they weren't like me.

I was so grateful for Harry who has helped me throughout the whole thing.

He came to the hospital during the day and went to get the boys from school in the afternoon. He also had his security guards sit outside the boys classroom everyday.

The day after mum's funeral Harry took the boys and I for a drive.

We got lunch and as we were eating Harry grabbed my hand and asked me to be his boyfriend and I said yes as I was going to ask him myself as he helped me a lot.

As the weeks wore on I had an idea for a song so I searched for my old song book and wrote all the words down that came to me.

I was sitting in Harry's office one day while the boys were playing in their room and writing the music for it. I couldn't help the tears that travelled down my cheeks as I was doing the music.

I didn't hear Harry come in until he said something to me. I look up and see him standing by the door and he comes up to me and says babe I know it's hard but you need to stop crying.

I went through the exact same thing last year when my grandfather died.

I looked up at him and said babe I'm sorry I didn't know, if I did I would have gone somewhere else. Like home.

He said I didn't mean that babe I was just saying I know it's hard to stop but you need to.

I nod my head as I know he is right, plus it's not good for the boys to see me like this.

I get up and kiss his lips and say you're right and it's not a good look for the boys. Harry pulls me into his chest and says that's right baby. Now let's go and get dinner.

The next day I got a call from my solicitor telling me that my ex has been arrested as she was seen at the boys school again so she will no longer be hanging around.

I yelled out to Harry and told him and he said good I don't like seeing you stressed and the boys scared.

The next few weeks were hard as I went back to work but I really didn't want to go home so we stayed with Harry after he asked me to stay longer.

Harry still took me to work and the boys to school.

The truth is I got so comfortable with Harry and the boys were well looked after as well which left me more time to catch up on the work I missed.

Especially after mum died I needed his presence around the house and I kept thinking back to when we broke up. I was going to ask him to move in with me but he broke up with me before I could.

The truth was I was scared of being alone again and scared that Harry would break up with me again.

That would break me and the boys.

After mum died, Harry was my strength and I needed him.

The week I went back to work came to an end fast and I was glad. I was tired and even though I knew my ex won't come around again I still kept seeing her face around the office.

I thought the weekend would help but it didn't.

I went back Monday much to Harry's dismay. He said I needed time to get over it all but I couldn't. I wanted to keep busy as I thought that would help.

Harry met my boss the week before as he wanted to let him know what was going on.

That Monday was worse than the week before as everyone that came in looked like her. I couldn't take this anymore.

I snapped at everyone then I had a panic attack and screamed if anyone touched me.

That is until I hear Harry say boo bear it's me Hazza. Come on, let's go home.

He went to reach out and touch me but I went rigid until he said come on boo bear I need to touch you so I can help you. Please come back to me, love.

He reached out gently to touch my arm which I let him do and I said come on love lets get you to the hospital. You need to let someone help you. I looked up at him and nodded my head as tears came to my eyes.

I couldn't stop them from rolling down my face, that was until Harry pulled me into his arms and I broke out into wild sobs.

I could hear Harry talking to someone that sounded like my boss.

I didn't take much notice of what they were saying until Harry said thanks for calling me. I will let you know what happens.

Harry picked me up in his arms and said I'm here babe we are going to get you some help then we can go home and cuddle the boys. I will get Niall to pick the boys up and take them back to his place.

I don't remember much of what happened at the hospital.

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