Chapter 2

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Louis POV

Skip ahead 10 years

I checked the time on my phone to see that it is time to go and get my kids from school. Kids you say, yes I have kids. I met who I thought was a lovely lady about a year after Harry and I broke up.

We went on to have twins and then she walked out on me 2 years later. She couldn't handle having kids as it took away from her "me" time as she called it. She left me to bring the kids up by myself with my mother helping out when she could.

I ran out to the car and jumped in, to race to the school to get there before the bell went.

I always try to make before the bell as my kids are like me. They are shy.

As I got the kids from school this advertisement came on the radio that Harry Styles was touring again and he was having a concert in California not far from where I live.

I hear Tommy my son pipe up and say daddy can we please go to see Harry, pretty please we love Harry. Then his brother Adam pipes up and says can we dad please. I sigh as I really didn't want to see him as I have only gotten over him completely about a year ago but I knew that this wouldn't be the end of them asking me to go see him. So I bit the bullet so to speak and said yes we could go but they had to continue being good for me.

As we get home I go online to pre book the tickets to Harry's concert. It was lucky I had a pretty good job and still had savings from when I was in One Direction so I didn't have to worry about being able to afford it. I would have scrimped and saved anyway to get them.

I finally got 3 tickets booked for his first show in California and set the date on my phone so I could remember it. I cant disappoint my kids. They have been through enough.

The date for Harry's concert finally came around and that morning I let the kids stay home from school. It was a Friday anyway and they had sports for half the day so they won't miss out on much.

We made a day of it and we decided to book into a motel near the venue so I don't have far to drive. I'm going to be tired anyway and driving the hour home after getting out of the venue, let alone the car park is going to be strenuous on me. The kids can sleep in the car but I cant.

The time came to line up for the concert and get the tickets.

We finally made it to the front of the line and I told the lady my name and I had 3 tickets booked.

I got the tickets and we made our way inside the arena. I saw the seats are pretty close to the stage which is good and bad. The kids can see Harry pretty well but he can also see me.

Just before the lights went down for his support act to come on I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Paul, our security guard from my 1D days standing behind me. He smiles and says hey mate Harry wants to see you after the show and he said to bring the kids. I say no I cant see him but the kids pipe up and say please dad. I nod my head and say ok. Paul smiles and says thanks mate it's so good to see you again I missed you and your sassiness.

Throughout the show I can see Harry looking at me every so often and it brings back to the surface the love I had for him. I thought I was over him but I wasn't.

As the concert finished Paul came back and took us backstage to meet Harry. I let the kids go ahead of me to meet Harry first. He was a true star to them and signed merchandise for them that I bought.

As he gets to me he holds his arms out to me to walk into. I hang back at first but Harry says come on Boobear. That was the end of me I caved. I rushed into his arms and just cried as I missed him so much.

Harry whispers in my ear don't cry boobear. I'm so sorry for hurting you all those years ago.

I should never have done it.

When my tears finally dried up and I pulled away from him to check on the twins. I saw them standing looking confused as to what was happening.

I sat down and pulled them into my arms and explained what was happening. The kids knew about me being in a band before they came along but they didn't know that Harry was in the band and that we were dating for about 2 years whilst being in the band.

The kids just hugged me and said we are here for you daddy. Well that went better than I thought it would.

We just sat in his dressing room talking for about an hour after the concert. He said he still had feelings for me and he knew I still had feelings for him. I told him I did but if anything was going to come of this again then I wanted to take it slow. I cant rush into anything for 2 reasons: my kids and I don't want to be hurt again. That broke me when we parted all those years ago.

Harry was my life and we talked about getting married.

Before we left I gave him my number as I had changed numbers. We promised to keep in touch.

He kissed me and said talk soon boobear. He shook the kids' hands and told them it was good to meet such amazing fans.

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