16. Day out

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Taehyung woke up to the smell of meat, and other food's drifting into his room. Confused he got up and opened the door to find a chipper Jungkook cooking a lot of breakfast.
Surprised by Jungkook he walked closer as he asked "Good morning Jungkook....but um...your up early aren't you, especially considering.....uh...last night..".
Jungkook hearing Taehyung looked up as he stuttered "Oh....yeah...last night....I just want to apologize if I....said....anything.....embarrassing to you last night....or did anything weird......I never would have thought that plain wine could get someone drunk...so easily.....".
Answering him Taehyung said "Oh it's fine,you didn't do anything really, it was Hyung-sik who was being rude.....and embarrassing....,but anyway...you did know it was fortified wine.....right?".
Confused Jungkook questioned "Fortified wine.....that was....fortified wine.....oh".
Smiling Taehyung chuckled "So you didn't know it was fortified...I guess that makes since...you did drink a lot....".
Jungkook continued to cook something as Taehyung questioned "How long have you been awake?".
Turning around he answered "About an hour! I decided to make breakfast for you, since you are letting me stay here!".
Taehyung was more hungry than he thought as he waited for Jungkook to finish. He handed Taehyung a plate of food, as he said "I realized I haven't....called the police about my apartment yet.....I guess I forgot in the moment...so I am going to call them right now just to let you know.".
Taehyung nodded as he happily ate Jungkook's homemade breakfast. Jungkook wanted to not disturb Taehyung while he was eating, so he walked around this hallway he hadn't been down before. Jungkook paced as he told them about the robbery. By the time Jungkook hung up, he had walked down the hallway so far he didn't know where he was. Not sure which way to turn he headed down another hall, to find another place he had never been. Confused Jungkook opened a door to the right of him. As he peeked inside he realized it was Taehyung's study or something. There was a computer resting on top of a large table, and a bookshelf. A few other knickknacks were in there, but not wanting to pry he started to close the door.
Walking away from it he began to yell for Taehyung "Taehyung!!! I'm lost!!! Taehyuuunnnngggg!!!".
Seconds later confused by Jungkook, Taehyung walked not only 10 feet to him, impatiently he sighed "um, yes Jungkook.....is there a problem?".
Dramatically walking to Taehyung he exclaimed like he was in a drama "Taehyung! I got lost! I didn't know where I was, but Finally! I found you!".
Taehyung walked back to the kitchen followed closely by Jungkook who didn't want to get "Lost" again. Taehyung sat down again finishing what Jungkook made him.
He looked at Taehyung's practically empty plate he smiled "You liked it right!.....Oh wait I never gave you this!". Surprising Taehyung, Jungkook went over to where he was cooking and grabbing a fork, pierced a piece of leftover food. Walking back to Taehyung, his mouth was slightly opened as he darted the fork toward Taehyung.
He then said as Taehyung just looked at him "Try it!" I had more, but I ate it....,by accident..". A little awkwardly Taehyung put his hand on the fork Jungkook was holding as he tried it. Jungkook hadn't let go of the fork himself as he took the fork back bringing it to the sink.
"What do you think!". He asked.
Stuttering Taehyung replied slightly flustered "Oh..it was really good...".
A second later breaking the silence Taehyung continued changing the subject "Hey Jungkook.....Since we have today off, I was wondering if you wanted to so something together.....". Taehyung immediately regretted asking him this, as Jungkook turned around very excitedly, and beamed "Really!! Really! Yes! That will be so much fun!".
Taehyung smiled back at him, but questioned himself. Why had he asked Jungkook that? He hadn't planned to until that very moment he for some reason had the urge to say that. He couldn't back out of it now though, it could be fun.
Walking back over to Taehyung Jungkook asked "So what do you want to do! We could.....um...go to the movies, or.....a restaurant....or.....what do you want to do?".
Taehyung thought for a second, but finally said "How about we go to the nearby museum?....I mean...it could be interesting, and fun....".
Jungkook nodded as he said "Ok! When should we go?"
Answering him Taehyung added "Hm....probably, about an hour? Gives me time to get ready...".
Jungkook again excitedly nodded walking into the guest room to put on his dried close from yesterday. Jungkook couldn't wait to have a day with Taehyung! Last time they hung out they had a lot of fun, and he got to see Taehyung's weird side!
An hour passed quickly as the Taehyung got ready, and Jungkook patiently waited, since he got ready much earlier. Finally Taehyung was ready as he walked out of his room. He was wearing black pants, and a baggy striped shirt. He also had on a long black coat, and sunglasses. Jungkook on the other hand was wearing his wrinkly close from yesterday.
Coolly Taehyung told Jungkook "OK, i'm ready let's go..". Walking out the door Jungkook followed him. Taehyung got in his car with him, and the two drove to the museum.
Throughout the first part of the day the two of them walked around, looking at different artsy things. At first they were both relatively quiet, but that was soon changed, when they walked into the room filled with statues. Seeing the many butt's Jungkook lost it, as he slightly started to giggle immaturely.

Taehyung looked at him as he smirked "Um...Jungkook what are you laughing at...?". Taehyung had an idea, but he just asked to see what he would say. Not being able to stop snickering, Jungkook pointed up towards the several bare butts. Taehyung looked at Jungkook for a second, trying to hold back his own laughter, to make himself not look childish, but moments later, Taehyung to started to laugh. Jungkook seeing Taehyung laugh, gained more volume, and echoing through the whole room they drew attention to themselves, as people turned their way.

Not being able to control themselves, the two ran out of the room side by side. As they came into another, more empty part of the museum, Taehyung covered his face with his large hand. Finally the two calmed down, and continued to carefully venture through the museum. They both became a little more comfortable with talking casually after they burst, with laughter, so having on and off again conversations about acting, anime, videogames, the museum and other things they walked around looking like a couple.

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