61. Kiddish Jealousy

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AN: - I cant believe this story got this Ranking #2

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AN: - I cant believe this story got this Ranking #2...Iam so happy...Thank you all for reading this book of mine.......thank you so muchhhhh..

"If you had to date someone you worked with during the movie, who would it be?!"All eyes were on Jungkook, and he felt more nervous than he ever had. He didn't know what he expected when Bogum had told him about an interview, but he certainly did not expect this.He was sitting down, in between Bogum and another actor from the movie he didn't take the time to know. Others were circled around him as well, such as a few other actors, the assistant director and Taehyung.It was an assortment of people, and Jungkook only now wondered how they were chosen.The eyes that were boring into him, brought him back to the situation he was in. Some were innocently curious, others seemed almost worried."Well, uh, I'm not sure."Jungkook knew that what he said was a lame answer. Especially since many people would watch this, and as his manager Yoongi said he needed to stick out. Stick out so that he could maybe gain fans, gain people's attention, anything that could boost his career.So far he was being pleasantly charming, and nothing too bad had happened, he even answered anything directed towards him politely. He was lucky that him and Taehyung weren't sitting next to each other, that would have made it even harder to act 'normal'. This secret relationship thing, was harder than Jungkook had anticipated.Causing Jungkook to lightly jump, a loud chuckle erupted from the interviewers mouth."Okay, okay I get it. I'll make it easier for you. Out of everyone who is with us right now, who would you date?"Jungkook went rigid, and another wave of anxiety rushed over him. What could he say? He was sure, he was visibly portraying how he felt, as he turned from left to right, fidgeting in his chair.Jungkook tried to think of a good reply, cautiously. He could either tell the truth, which is Taehyung. Who he was already dating. He could say Bogum, who had become a friend of his. He could play it more safe even, by picking someone he didn't know at all. Maybe the lead actress in the movie. That would be simple and satisfy everyone.In the end, after what felt like minutes of rushed thinking, he blurted his answer."Uh, Director Park Bogum."His reasoning was simple. He knew, deep down, he could never say Taehyung. Even if he wanted to. Bogum, honestly, seemed like a good middle ground. It was still a lie, but it was better than saying a name of someone he didn't know.Atleast he knew Bogum.A split second after his stuttered words, jumbled out of his mouth, uncertain and sheepish an over exaggerated "Ohhhh" was made.The interview continued with a large grin. "I would have never thought! Wouldn't that be just a match made in heaven?"Jungkook forced a small laugh, and with that, the topic was dropped. Jungkook began to feel uneasy, especially since he was the only one who was asked such a troubling question.He was so distracted with his thoughts, and the rest of the questions that were asked, he didn't even realize how Taehyung reacted.The rest of the interview finished soon enough, and Jungkook immediately went to Taehyung, after most people cleared out.When Jungkook finally found him he was loitering outside, his back turned facing the other direction."Tae~Taehyung!", he started before gently tapping his stiffened shoulder. "Hey Taehyung? Do your want t---"Jungkook stopped himself, when Taehyung turned around. An unsatisfied frown etched across his face, and his his posture was more formal and rigid.He looked at Jungkook for a second, before causally brushing hair out of his face."Yes?", he replied, his voice deep as usual, but lacking that usually bouncy, liveliness it had. Even when Taehyung was being unreadable, and annoyed he always had that very slight playfulness to his tone. Jungkook wasn't able to pick up on it until later, but now it was gone. Jungkook was a little taken aback, but continued nonetheless."I...I just thought if your didn't have anything to do after this, we could go out for a late lunch? I..I could cook something if you don't want to go out in public too.""Oh!", Taehyung exclaimed, faking surpise. "I would have thought your wanted to be with Bogum."Jungkook huffed a bit, having a feeling where this was going. He wasn't a stranger to Taehyung's strong jealousy. He hadn't realized it in the moment, but now it was obvious that Taehyung had been jealous of Bogum all along.It was kind of cute, to see Taehyung act so immaturely, but Jungkook really just wanted be with Taehyung, and not waste time on a trivial matter."No..I want to be with you."Taehyung studied Jungkook for a second, maybe even calming down a bit."It doesn't seem like it. Especially when your picked Bogum over me."Jungkook could almost laugh at how dense and child like Taehyung was being.Jungkook put on his warmest smile. "I didn't pick him over you. If I did, I wouldn't be dating you.""Well, your sure are sending mixed messages, because you clearly said 'Bogum' when the interviewer asked that ridiculous question!" Jungkook opened his mouth to speak, but Taehyung stopped him. "No, I don't want to break up the 'match made in heaven'."Jungkook sighed again, as he watched Taehyung retreating figure disappear into his car. He would call him in an hour or two and try again for dinner.There relationship was new and Jungkook didn't want to push anything. Soon Taehyung would see that there was nothing to be jealous about, and Taehyung couldn't get that mad over something so small, could he? Maybe something else was on his mind, maybe Jungkook should have stopped him, and made him talk about it.~~~Jungkook was ecstatic. He couldn't be happier. Of course there was still that lingering sadness about Taehyung, but right now he basked in the glory of another accomplishment.Min yoongi, his amazing manager, had once again got him a too good to be real audition for a drama. It was a remake of one from twenty years ago, that had been a hit, so the success of the new one was almost guaranteed.Jungkook hadn't gotten the role yet, but the audition was in a week, and he had high hopes.After telling Namjoon, who was lounging around in the apartment, Jungkook called the one person he wanted to tell more than anyone.Yes, Taehyung was blinded by jealousy at the moment, but Jungkook was positive he would give him the love and support he needed.Taehyung picked up by the third ring."What?", a grumpy voice mumbled."Taehyung! You'll never guess what just happened!"Silence."I just got an audition for a Drama! A really really good one!""Are your at your apartment right now?"Jungkook sadly frowned when he heard Taehyung's monotone question, that completely lacked excitement for him. Maybe he was wrong, maybe Taehyung really was mad."Yeah...""One minute then", Taehyung murmured quietly before Jungkook heard a click, indicating Taehyung hung up. Jungkook set his phone down, sluggishly, and all the excitement he had a second ago vanished.He doubted Taehyung would call back again, and maybe he was overreacting anyways...Jungkook simmered in sadness for what felt like ten minutes, until he was interrupted by a knock on his door.He knew who he hoped it was, so with a heavy heart, he opened the door. Preparing himself for disappointment.Before he could even see who it was, he practically got the air knocked out of him as arms wrapped around him tightly.Jungkook had gotten robbed before, so for a second he thought the robber had come back, and was trying to knock him out, but the warmness and fondness that radiated off the slim, yet well built body couldn't be mistaken for anyone else."I'm so proud of you, Jungkook-ie."Jungkook immediately brought his own arms up, hugging him back. Jungkook wasn't sure if it was the sweet nickname, the supportive words, or the overall surprise that Taehyung came bursting through the door, but within seconds he found himself raising his head up from where it rested next to Taehyung's, and meeting him for a sweet, tender kiss."Eww, get a room." Came Namjoon's voice, from across the room.Both of them pulled away instantly, but then Jungkook added smugly, "Well this is my apartment, so....''"I'm going to stop your there", Namjoon frowned. "I'm happy you to got together and everything, but please...please keep it pg when I'm around."Jungkook puffed out his cheeks, and haughtily scoffed. "Well!"He would've continued, but then Taehyung's soothing hand brushed against his, making him turn to face him."It's fine, I want to take you somewhere." Jungkook felt any tension, any nervousness, anything at all melt away at that moment. He completely forgot about Namjoons presence for a second, and leaned in to kiss Taehyung once more.It was so easy to, now he could just do it, and Jungkook loved that he could. Taehyung's lips were addictive, and even in the wrong settings he felt like doing so."Guys! I'm right here!" Namjoon's desperate cry went unheard, as Taehyung deepened the kiss, causing Jungkook to clutch onto his back.It was mesmerizing how soft Taehyung's lips were, and hypnotizing how fluid all his movements were.Taehyung pulled back slightly and whispered breathlessly against Jungkook's skin. "Are your ready to go?""Y-yeah." Jungkook surprised himself by how breathless he sounded himself.The stood like that for a moment, and Jungkook almost was lured into leaning in again, but Namjoons groan broke the silence that had made Jungkook solely focused on Taehyung's lips."Okay, bye Namjoon", Jungkook called not bothering to turn around. Once they were outside Jungkook began to wonder why Taehyung wasn't mad anymore, or where they were going."Wait, where are we going?", Jungkook voiced his thoughts."It's a surprise.""Taehyung! Why are your being so mysterious! Aren't your going to congratulate me on my upcoming audition to??"Jungkook knew the last part was pushing it, but Taehyung really did seem to be happy for him. Jungkook quickly put on his most exaggerated pout, in attempt to catch Taehyung's attention."Of course I will. When we get there.""Get where?""You'll see."

AN :- Next chapter will be the last episode my lovely readers....I hope you will miss the story...please show your support and love towards this story......

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