35. All Alone

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During the long drive to Jimin's cabin, Taehyung and Jungkook had on and off again conversations

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During the long drive to Jimin's cabin, Taehyung and Jungkook had on and off again conversations. After a little bit they finally started to go back to normal ignoring there controlling thoughts and feelings that had to do with the kiss.Taehyung did notice something slightly different about Jungkook though. He was sociable as always, but once in awhile he started to get really giggly, and subtly touch Taehyung's leg or arm while driving. It was almost as if he was acting flirty. Amused by Jungkook's playfulness, the rest of the ride went by smoothly.Finally their long drive to Jimin's cabin ended as they rode up the rocky driveway. All of a sudden as they started to park the car Taehyung and Jungkook both realized that another car was there. Quickly Taehyung saw it was Jimin's."I guess Jimin is already here...", Taehyung sighed. It wasn't his fault if he let his disappointment seem obvious. He knew that Jimin and Namjoon were coming, but he thought that since Jungkook and him had left early they might have had at least an hour together...alone.Showing that same repressed disappointment Jungkook forced a slight smile, as Taehyung opened his car door and stepped out. Following Taehyung's movement Jungkook jumped out at the same time. Just then a rush of cold air passed by them, making Taehyung and Jungkook both shiverer. Now that Taehyung thought about it, it did seem strange of Jimin to invite them to his cabin considering the chilly weather.Walking right next to each other, shoulders brushing the two entered inside. The first thing they saw was Jimin and Namjoon grabbing blankets and stuffing them in bags.Confused Taehyung hesitated "Oh..hey guys. So you both are here...".Heads shooting up at the sound of Taehyung's voice Jimin and Namjoon eyes widened seeing them right there.Panicky Jimin sputtered as he pushed the bag of blankets behind him "Hello!.....I didn't think you guys would arrived so soon..."."Yeah we left after we realized we didn't have any more scenes left", Jungkook bubbled. A minute of silence passed as the four of them stood there awkwardly.Out of nowhere Jimin chimed "So me and Namjoon...were just....setting up! As you can see I put down one sleeping bag, since there is only two bedrooms".Thinking Jungkook asked "Wait..so there is two bedrooms and one sleeping bag? Will someone share a room or something?""I guess you could say that", Jimin impishly grinned. "Well I was just about to put these bags in my car...I'll be right back...", Jimin continued.Walking out the door Taehyung stopped him questioning "Aren't those blankets though? Won't we need them?"Walking now more quickly Jimin rushed "Uh..no. They aren't blankets". Before any further questions were asked Jimin ran out the door. As Taehyung waited for Jimin to come back he looked around the moderately sized cabin. The one sleeping bag was delicately placed on the floor. The only other pieces of furniture in the room was a chair, a shelf, and a table with a lamp. There were a few other rooms as well that Taehyung suspected might have more things.A split second later Jimin came back inside speedily saying "Ok, so over there are the two bedrooms, and that other room is the bathroom, and there is a small kitchen over there that has food". Nodding Taehyung watched as Jimin pointed from place to place."Is that all"" Taehyung queried."Yeah..just about. Um Namjoon is everything...taken care of?" Jimin murmured.Answering Jimin's question Namjoon whispered "Yeah...".Regaining volume Jimin chirped "Perfect..well Taehyung, Jungkook. Me and Namjoon will be right back we are just going to get...um....more groceries!".Starting to get suspicious of Jimin and Namjoon, Jungkook stammered "Oh..Ok!". Taehyung saw it to, they both seemed to be acting antsy and weird.Walking out together Jimin started to giggle, as Namjoon pushed him along leaving Jungkook and Taehyung alone.As Taehyung heard Jimin's car start and pull away, he realized he finally got his wish. Him and Jungkook were alone, even if it was only for half an hour.A second later later Jungkook a bit hesitant asked "Uh...Taehyung since we have a little bit of time to ourselves I was wondering if maybe.....you wanted to go on a walk together". Shifting his eyes, while speaking Jungkook wasn't sure if Taehyung would agree or not. He just thought it would be fun to to something like that together.Hearing no answer yet, Jungkook started to get curious as he finally raised his gaze to look at Taehyung. Starting to continuously blink Jungkook was surprised when he saw Taehyung smiling."Of course Jungkook!", Taehyung laughed "You don't have to act so nervous when asking me something! I would probably do anything.....you ask.......but let's go on a walk!".At first taken aback by Taehyung's sweet response, Jungkook couldn't help but stare at him. Feeling his heartbeat speed up, Jungkook felt is mouth slightly drop. Seeing Taehyung smile so widely at him left him speechless, but on top of that was the fact that Taehyung was acting irresistibly cute.Rarely had Jungkook seen Taehyung act like that. He was usually so cool and smooth, but as Taehyung looked right at him Jungkook started to feel his face blush. Snapping out of it he quickly returned the cheerful smile as he chirped "Oh, Ok! Let's go then!" He knew he couldn't let himself get distracted like that.Walking out together they stood as closely as possible, not even an inch away from each other. Quickly they Found a path and started walking down it as greenery surrounded them. The first couple minutes into there walk Taehyung and Jungkook both were tempted to.....confess. Maybe it was the fact that they were completely alone with no people around. Maybe it was the romantic setting they were in. And maybe it was the fact that there wasn't any room between them.However the two of them resisted the urge, thinking that the other would never feel that way for them.

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