38. Finding bed

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Wondering a bit more Jungkook went to Taehyung's wiki page, and sure enough after reading it for a minute Jungkook saw it. Kim Taehyung had admitted to not being straight......Suddenly a switch flipped inside Jungkook, as he thought to himself; Maybe...just maybe...could I have a chance with Taehyung? Although How had Jungkook not known this before? He had been quite a big fan of Taehyung's for a while, not to mention a friend. Smiling, Jungkook got distracted as he longingly stared at Taehyungs wiki photo.All of a sudden a deep voice asked from behind him "What are you looking at Jungkook?"Hearing it was Taehyung Jungkook scampered to turn off his phone as he stuttered "What! Nothing Taehyung!! Nothing!"Jokingly Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's phone expecting it to be locked as he teased "Let's see then!......Well it looks like your phone is unlocked, so......." pausing Taehyung quickly fell silent.Looking down embarrassed Jungkook heard Taehyung continue in the same playful voice "Hm..interesting so you looked me up, and it seems you zoomed in on a picture of me! Wait....so this is my wiki page?" Taehyung that second saw what Jungkook had been looking at. It was a fact about him smushed right in between his favorite color, and birthday. It was Taehyung has admitted to not being straight.Another pause of silence started, but his time it was different. It was thicker, it was longer...it was more tense.Clearing his throat Taehyung handed Jungkook's phone back saying blankly "Sorry....I...I..um took your phone". Raising his head again Jungkook asked trying to break the tense atmosphere "What did Jimin say? Are they coming soon?"Avoiding eye contact Taehyung muttered "Um...apparently they aren't coming back so it's just me and.....you".Nodding Jungkook wondered why Taehyung was acting so distant all of a sudden. Sure it was embarrassing he saw that Jungkook was looking at him, but once again it was brushed away as joke....at least he thought.However lucky for Jungkook since Taehyung was avoiding eye contact for some reason Jungkook staring was not noticed. Jungkook couldn't help it as his gaze moved from Taehyung's lips to his absent look.....more than ever did Jungkook wish something could really happen. He was happy he had friendship with Taehyung, but why not more? Could....more....really happen?Although, what Taehyung was trying to hide with his blank face was embarrassment and confusion. The more he saw on Jungkook's phone the more his heart beat faster. Having a picture of him on Jungkook's screen was adorable, and at first he thought looking at his wiki was too, but then he saw what was on there.Taehyung had noticed Jungkook started to act.....different after he closed his phone. Was it because of what he read? Was it because Jungkook....knew. He could see Jungkook staring at him in the corner of his eye. Jungkook would most likely act and feel uncomfortable around him, and would Jungkook start to act weird to?Taking a deep breath Taehyung finally turned to face Jungkook. Seeing Taehyung move his head, Jungkook immediately yanked his head to the opposite side so Taehyung wouldn't see he was staring.That's when Jungkook started to blush. Not a usual blush either. Jungkook's face was as bright as a cherry, and Taehyung noticed this. Although Taehyung confused Jungkook's attraction for uneasiness. Sighing Taehyung didn't know what to do. Was the rest of night going to be like this? Both of them acting awkward? Why did Jungkook go on his wiki anyways.Taehyung now knew that the possibility of something romantic happening with Jungkook was slim to nothing. Before he had a little hope, but now he knew that Jungkook didn't feel the same way. It was obvious. Just the way Jungkook was acting after he read that one fact....he was acting weird around him, maybe even uncomfortable.Sighing Taehyung glumly mumbled "Since they aren't coming back....maybe we should call off the whole camping thing....""What no!" Jungkook stuttered eyes widening. "I'm having so much fun.....but I mean if you aren't....sure, but I was thinking maybe we could make food together or something", Jungkook added flirtatiously.Happy Jungkook was being a little bit more normal Taehyung forcing a smile answered "I guess your right.....as long as your comfortable with it...""Why would I be uncomfortable?" Jungkook innocently chirped.Muttering Taehyung sighed "Nothing...never mind".Standing up Jungkook headed to the kitchen followed by blank, distant acting Taehyung. As Jungkook entered the small kitchen he immediately started to rustle through all the cupboards.Pulling out ingredient after ingredient Jungkook told Taehyung "Ok....I think I have an idea about what to make, you can chop the onions right now". Nodding Taehyung grabbed the onions Jungkook had gotten out and a knife and began to chop.A second later he heard Jungkook's voice sweetly chime "That's not how you chop an onion Taehyung! Here.....I'll show you". Staying silent Taehyung was about to move out of Jungkook's way so that he could show him, but before he could he felt Jungkook's arms wrap around him grabbing and holding onto each of Taehyung's hands."Like this!" Jungkook whispered playfully as he maneuvered Taehyung's hands. It was hard for Taehyung to focus though. He was distracted by Jungkook's body against his own, and his hands firmly but gently hold his. At the same time many thoughts and feelings rushed through Taehyung.Confused he wondered to himself; If Jungkook is supposedly uneasy, or uncomfortable around me now....then why is he getting so close so easily? But Taehyung answered this for himself as he told himself all Jungkook was doing was helping him chop onions. Nothing special.Finally Jungkook let go as his hands grazed Taehyung's arms subtly and slowly. Walking away Jungkook went back to what he was doing. A couple minutes later after more chopping and cooking, the soup they were making was almost done.Using a large ladle like spoon Jungkook tasted it and sighed in satisfaction "Mmmm! This is good! Taehyung come here and try it!"Walking Over to Jungkook hesitantly he was about to reach for another spoon, but once again Jungkook surprised him as he with the same spoon he used hovered it in front of Taehyung's face. Holding onto the spoon as Taehyung tasted it Jungkook smiled.Taehyung was slightly confused why Jungkook was being so....flirty with him though. Was he trying to prove that he didn't feel uncomfortable around Taehyung? Or did all of his decisions just revolve around food.As Jungkook was taking the spoon back some of it spilled on Taehyung's shirt."Oh no! I'm sorry!" Jungkook cried as he saw Taehyung's shirt. Quickly Jungkook grabbed a paper towel, and started to attempt to rub it off."It's fine Jungkook.....really!I mean I can um...just...wear it like this until I get home!" Taehyung hesitated."Nonsense!" Jungkook cried, "Just because of my clumsiness, you shouldn't have to wear a dirty shirt......I know....take it off!", he said as if it was a genius idea."What?" Taehyung stuttered."Take it off, you still have your coat if your really don't want to be shirtless, but the soup is all over you!" Jungkook pouted as he started to grab the hem of Taehyung's shirt.Feeling flustered Taehyung took a step back as he sighed "Ok..Ok I'll take it off.....can you go get my coat for me?"Nodding Jungkook walked out of the kitchen leaving Taehyung as he slipped off his shirt.Walking back in the kitchen Jungkook stopped mid step as he stared at Taehyung. Feeling his throat go dry, Jungkook cleared it as he took a step further eyes not leaving Taehyung."Heres.......your.......coat" Jungkook mumbled quietly. Taking it Taehyung put it on zipping it up only half way, leaving part of his chest exposed."It must be uncomfortable to wear your coat....so at least take it off when you go to sleep", Jungkook added.Nodding Taehyung sighed "OK....speaking of sleeping, since Jimin I guess isn't coming back, and is not unlocking the bedroom doors I'll take the floor, and you can have the sleeping bag"."I don't want you to sleep with no covers on the cold floor! You can have the sleeping bag....!", Jungkook decided.Shaking his head Taehyung started to say "It's really fine Jungkook... I--", but quickly he was interrupted by Jungkook.

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