Chapter Two: A Plot for Control!

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Francesca woke up with the first light of dawn, the conversation with Amelia still playing in her mind. She went through her morning routine mechanically: a quick shower, a cup of strong coffee, and a solitary breakfast at the long dining table. The silence of the mansion was oppressive, filled with the weight of her thoughts. With her grandparents retired and her parents gone, it felt like everything was slipping away. Now, even the business—their legacy—was at risk of being taken away from the Quinn name.

Sitting alone, Francesca felt a wave of stress wash over her. She buried her face in her hands, trying to hold back the tears of frustration and anger. The betrayal from the board and investors stung deeply. She had dedicated herself to proving her worth, and now it seemed all their efforts might be in vain.

The sound of soft footsteps broke her reverie. Amelia appeared in the doorway, her long red hair tousled, wearing a housecoat. Despite the early hour, her green eyes sparkled with determination.

"Morning, Frankie," Amelia said gently, sitting down beside her.

Francesca looked up, her eyes red from the unshed tears. "Morning, Amelia. I can't stop thinking about last night. It feels like we're losing everything. The company, our legacy... it's all slipping away."

Amelia gave her a reassuring smile. "Remember when I said we needed to grab their attention and do something they couldn't ignore?"

Francesca nodded, a glimmer of hope flickering in her eyes. "Yeah, I remember."

"I've been up all night," Amelia said, her smile widening. "I have a plan."

Before Francesca could respond, they heard movement upstairs. Jaydon was up and getting ready for the day. As he made his way to the living room, he found Kirsten and Skye in one of the guest rooms. Kirsten, a talented hair stylist, was busy doing Skye's hair, the two of them chatting and laughing.

Jaydon leaned against the doorframe, watching them with a smirk. "Morning, ladies. Everything okay?"

Kirsten looked up, her eyes twinkling. "Oh, we're more than okay, Jaydon. I'm just getting ready for the day. How about you?"

Skye joined in, her smile playful. "Yeah, Jaydon, any plans for today? Maybe you can join us for a little fun later?"

Jaydon chuckled, shaking his head. "Thanks, but I've got a lot on my plate today. Maybe another time."

Kirsten and Skye exchanged amused glances, their flirting light-hearted but clear. "Alright, but the offer stands," Kirsten said, winking at him.

Jaydon smiled and headed downstairs, feeling a mix of amusement and determination. As he entered the dining room, he saw Francesca and Amelia already deep in discussion. The table was covered with laptops and business files, a clear sign that they were plotting something significant.

Jaydon took a seat, his curiosity piqued. "What's going on here?"

Amelia looked up, her eyes alight with excitement. "Jaydon, we have a plan. We’re going to do something the board and investors can't ignore."

Francesca nodded, her earlier stress replaced by a fierce resolve. "Amelia's right. We're going to fight for our place, and we're going to win."

Kirsten and Skye joined them, intrigued by the flurry of activity. "What’s the plan?" Skye asked, sitting beside Francesca.

The girls gathered around the table, their expressions serious. Amelia stood up, taking the lead. "The Quinns are the number one family business, but there are others out there. To prove our strength and capability to the board, we need to make a bold move. I suggest we go through the records of other companies and find an easy target—someone we can take over. It would bring in more profits and solidify our name while eliminating a rival."

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