Chapter Sixteen: The Queen of Corby!

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The sterile smell of antiseptic hung heavy in the air, mingling with the low hum of hospital machines. The fluorescent lights cast a harsh glow over the room, highlighting the pallor of Ricky Johnston's face as he lay motionless in the bed. Tubes and wires connected him to various monitors, each one beeping softly, a grim reminder of how close he was to the edge.

Cameron sat in a stiff plastic chair beside the bed, his hands clasped tightly together, his knuckles white. He hadn't slept since Ricky had been admitted, his eyes bloodshot and shadowed with exhaustion. Around him, the few remaining members of the Johnston family huddled together, their faces etched with worry and fear. The patriarch who had once been the backbone of Corby's underworld now looked frail, a mere shell of the man who had commanded such power.

Phyllis, Ricky's wife, stood at the foot of the bed, her hands trembling as she clutched a rosary. Her lips moved in silent prayer, though the desperation in her eyes spoke volumes. Every now and then, she would glance at Cameron, her expression a mixture of hope and despair.

"Any change?" Phyllis asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Cameron shook his head, unable to find the words. The doctors had been grim, offering little hope. Ricky was fighting for his life, but even if he pulled through, there was no guarantee he would ever be the same.

The room fell into a heavy silence, the only sound the steady beep of the heart monitor. Cameron stared at Ricky's face, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Guilt gnawed at him, though he had done everything he could. The thought of Kieran's betrayal, Francesca's twisted game, made his blood boil. But now was not the time for revenge-now was the time to hold onto whatever shred of hope they had left.

Across town, Francesca Quinn was on the move. The early morning fog clung to the streets of Corby, shrouding the town in a thick, oppressive silence. Francesca moved through the mist like a shadow, her footsteps quick and purposeful. She had a mission-one that she intended to see through to the bitter end.

Her first stop was the Candlestick bar, a known hangout for some of the Johnston family's closest allies. The pub was nearly empty at this hour, save for a few early risers nursing their drinks. The men inside looked up as Francesca entered, their expressions ranging from curiosity to suspicion.

She didn't waste time with pleasantries. Standing in the middle of the room, she raised her voice just enough to command attention. "Ricky Johnston is in the hospital, barely hanging on. Edgars has been taken out, Kieran betrayed his own, and Kerys is in hiding. Cameron has disappeared."

The room went still, the weight of her words settling over the patrons like a heavy fog.

Francesca's eyes were cold, unyielding as she looked each man in the eye. "You've all seen how this plays out. The Johnston empire is crumbling, and I'm the one who brought it down. You can either side with me and enjoy the benefits of power, or you can end up like the rest of them."

One of the older men, a grizzled veteran of Corby's underworld, narrowed his eyes at her. "And why should we believe you? You think you can just waltz in here and take over?"

Francesca met his gaze without flinching. "Because I'm the one who orchestrated all of this. I took out the biggest threats in Corby without breaking a sweat. Ricky, Edgars, Kieran-they're all either gone or as good as. The power vacuum they've left is mine to fill."

She took a step closer, her voice dropping to a menacing whisper. "If you think you can stop me, then try. But I promise you this: anyone who stands against me will end up just like them. I am the new power in Corby. Accept it, or be destroyed."

The man held her gaze for a moment longer, but Francesca could see the fear in his eyes. He wasn't ready to challenge her-none of them were. Slowly, he nodded, a gesture that was quickly echoed by the others in the room. The Candlestick bar had just changed allegiances.

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