Chapter Six: Planning a Murder!

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Cameron, Kerys, and Kieran were out in the town, enjoying another night of partying. Having left school earlier that year, they were still in the phase of celebrating their newfound freedom before diving into the next chapter of their lives. The nightclub they frequented was packed with people, the music pounding, and the lights flashing in sync with the beats.

Kieran, as always, was in the center of attention, his muscular frame towering over most. He leaned against the bar, a drink in hand, talking to Cameron and Kerys. "You know, I've been thinking. I have no plans to go to college or uni. I want to work within the family business, rise to the top, and be my own kingpin of the streets."

Kerys laughed, shaking her head. "That doesn't surprise me, Kieran. You've always had that ambition. As for me, I'm happy to take a leap year and keep the party going."

Cameron, who had been more thoughtful, took a sip of his drink before speaking. "I've been considering going to university to study law. Maybe move away from Corby for a while, live my own life. I still want to run the family business, but I need to have my own identity too."

Kieran looked at him, surprised. "Really, Cam? You think you can balance both? Running the family and studying law?"

Cameron shrugged. "It's a challenge, but I think it's worth it. We need someone who understands the legal side of things if we're going to expand and stay ahead."

Kerys nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. It would definitely set you apart and give you an edge."

Just then, Cameron's phone rang, the screen lighting up with Ricky's name. He frowned, answering it quickly. "Hello, Grandad."

Ricky's voice was firm. "Cameron, I need you, Kerys, and Kieran to meet at my house immediately."

Cameron's heart skipped a beat. "Right away. We'll be there."

He hung up and looked at his friends. "We need to go. Ricky wants us at his house now."

Kieran frowned. "What for?"

"I don't know," Cameron replied, already grabbing his coat. "But it sounds urgent."

They hurried to get ready, the sense of worry growing. As they stepped out into the cold night air, they began to speculate.

Kerys pulled her jacket tighter around her. "Do you think it’s the twins retaliating?"

Kieran shrugged. "Could be. Or it might just be another job he wants done."

They walked quickly through the streets, the festive lights of Corby casting long shadows. The town was quieter at this hour, the sounds of their footsteps echoing off the buildings. The night was crisp, their breaths visible in the cold air.

As they neared Ricky's house, the tension among them was palpable. Each step brought more questions, but they knew they would have answers soon. They reached the front gate, hesitating for a moment before Cameron led the way up to the door.

They didn't know what awaited them inside, but they were ready to face whatever Ricky had in store. The night had taken an unexpected turn, and their carefree evening was now overshadowed by the looming sense of duty and the unknown challenges that lay ahead.

Cameron, Kerys, and Kieran entered Ricky’s house, immediately sensing the tense atmosphere. The entire family was gathered in the living room, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. The air was thick with unspoken thoughts and the anticipation of Ricky’s announcement.

Ricky stood at the centre of the room, his presence commanding attention. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I have something important to discuss." He paused, looking around at each of them before continuing. "Francesca Quinn has invited us to a Christmas party at their house. I want us all to go."

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